Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

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Great Wyrm
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Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

This list is not final, changes could be made before B51
Below is a list of changes to macros in the current Subversion Source. If you have the code checked out, any testing/feedback would be appreciated. Text in green discusses small fixes in patches that either have not been applied or not sent to Trevor yet

Firstly a warning about compatability.
There are some incompatabilities in b51 concerning macros (but they are not large and it is easy to change your macros to take them into account). I know this whole post is too long to read so I am putting these up the top. There are other changes but they should have little effect, but all bug fixes that affect macros are listed at the bottom of the post in case.

getProperty() function.
Because this has caused so much confusion and there have been so many requests for a change to it, it has been changed. The getProperty() function will now evaluate the contents of the property/fetch the default if it is empty and there is a default value. The old behavior is available using the getRawProperty() function.
JSON changes.
JSON objects and arrays are now kept in an internal format that is a lot faster to process and converted to strings for output or storage in properties. In most cases these changes will be completely invisible to you other than seeing some speed increases when using large JSON objects. There are two cases where you will notice it though
  • Using if to compare JSON objects.
    Most commonly used to compare json arrays/objects to other arrays/objects or check if they are empty (there are really no other valid comparisons you could do ;) ). If you for some reason must use the json object as a string you can use the string() function to turn it into one (e.g. if(string(json) == "") )
    • For empty comparisons use if(json.empty(json))
    • For comparisons to other json object/arrays use if(json.equals(j1, j2))
  • Appending JSON objects to strings
    If you want to append a JSON object to a string you will now have to use the string() function to turn it into a string, e.g. ["My JSON Object is '" + string(json) + "'...")
One last thing (although this is not really an incompatability) if you plan to share your macros with others then please consider using [] instead of [e: ] or [t: ] so that the GM can decide how to format the rolls. But be aware of how this may affect your formatting.

  • getTokens()/getTokenNames() now can accept a JSON object with multiple conditions that need to be fulfilled as the second argument.
    The valid keys for this JSON object are (all fields optional)
    • setStates - Takes a JSON Array, only tokens with these states set are returned.
    • unsetStates - Takes a JSON Array, only tokens with these states not set are returned.
    • npc - true/false
    • pc - true/false
    • selected - true/false
    • impersonated - true/false
    • current - true/false
    • owned - true/false (owned by the player)
    • visible - true/false
    • range - JSON object
    • area - JSON object
    The range JSON object can contain the following fields (all optional)
    • token - token id/name, if not specified range is from the current token
    • distancePerCell - true/false, should the distance per cell multiplier be used.
    • from - number, find tokens from this distance (inclusive)
    • upto - number, find tokens upto this disatance (inlclusive)
    All fields in the JSON objects above are "anded" together so all conditions must be true to return a token.
    For example
    To get NPC tokens that the player (client) can see that are not dead, returned as a JSON array.

    Code: Select all

    [getTokens("json", '{npc:true, 
    Or to get the same list but only with tokens in adjacent squares (or hexes)

    Code: Select all

    [getTokens("json", '{npc:true, 
                             range: { from:1, upto:1, distancePerCell: 0}
    The area option is a little more complex than the other options. It allows you to define an arbitarily shaped "area", and only tokens in this area are returned.
    The format for area is a json object with the following fields.
    • token - token id/name (optional) the token id or name at the center of the defined area. If no token is specified the current token is used.
    • offsets - An array of JSON objects with x and y fields. These are offsets (in cells) from the token at the center of the area, these offsets define which cells are within the area.
    Take for example a system that allows you to attack left/right/up/down but not diagonal. You would then define the offsets as left => -1,0 ; right => 1,0 ; up => 0, -1 ; down => 0,1. To get NPCs in this area you would pass it to the system as below.

    Code: Select all

    [h: left = '{x:-1, y:0}']
    [h: right = '{x:1, y:0}']
    [h: up = '{x:0, y:-1}']
    [h: down = '{x:0, y:1}']
    [h: area = json.set("", "offsets", json.append("", left, right, up, down))]
    [h: query = json.set("", "npc", "true", "area", area)]
    [getTokens("json", query)]
  • json.get() can now be used to return json array slices
    Use json.get(array, first, last), these return a json array.
    For first 4 values in array.

    Code: Select all

    [json.get(arr, 0, 3)]
    Negative numbers can be used as offsets from the end of the array, -1 is the last element in the array, -2 second last, and so on.
    So to get all but the first element in a array

    Code: Select all

    [json.get(arr, 1, -1)]
    To get the last two elements

    Code: Select all

    [json.get(arr, -2, -1)]
    If the end index is smaller than the start index then the array slice is returned in reverse. For example

    Code: Select all

    [json.get('[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]', 6, 3)]
    Returns [7,6,5,4] (index 6 down to index 3).
  • json.get() can now be used to return multiple fields of a JSON object
    The value that is returned is another JSON Object.
    For example

    Code: Select all

    [json.get('{ a:1, b:2, c:5, d:10 }', "a", "c")]
    Returns the json object

    Code: Select all

    { a:1, c:5 }
  • method="json" can be used in a <form> tag for dialogs and frames.
    When the form submission calls the macro the values in the form will be passed to it (via macros.args) in a json object instead of a string property list. This method is probably more useful as there is less problems with what characters the user can type in.
  • createMacro(), setMacroProps()
    When using the JSON form of these macro functions it is now possible to specify the command, for example.

    Code: Select all

    [createMacro('{ label:"test", command:"This is a test, now have a dice roll [1d6]"}')]
  • Macro Functions that can reference other tokens
    The following macro functions can now accept an optional last parameter which is the token to get the the information from or to modify. You can only specify the token if the macro is trusted.
    • hasMacro(macro [, id])
    • getMacros([delim [, id]])
    • getMacroProps(index [, delim [, id]])
    • getMacroIndexes(label [, delim [, id]])
    • getMacroCommand(index [, id)]
    • createMacro(label, command [, props [, delim [, id]]])
    • createMacro(json [, id])
    • setMacroProps(button, props [, delim [, id]])
    • setMacroCommand(index, command [, id])
    • removeMacro(index [, id])
    • command (json only)
    • getGMName([id])
    • getHalo([id])
    • setHalo(halo, [id])
    • getState(state [,id])
    • setState(state, val [,id])
    • setAllStates(val [,id])
    • getVisible([id])
    • setVisible(val [, id])
    • getPropertyType([id])
    • setPropertyType(type, [id])
    • getPropertyNames([delim [, id]])
    • hasProperty(name [, id]])
    • isPC([id])
    • isNPC([id])
    • setPC([id])
    • setNPC([id])
    • getLayer([id])
    • setLayer(layer [, id])
    • getSize([id])
    • setSize(size [,id])
    • getOwners(delim [, id])
    • isOwnedByAll(delim [,id])
    • isOwner(player [, id])
    • resetProperty(prop [, id])]
    • setProperty(name, val [, id])
    • getProperty(name [, id])
    • isPropertyEmpty(name [, id])
    • bringToFrong([id])
    • sendToBack([id])
    • getLabel([id])
    • setLabel([id])
  • The following functions can now be called by players in trusted macros
    • getCurrentInitiative()
    • setCurrentInitiative()
    • addAllToInitiative()
    • addAllPCsToInitiative()
    • addAllNPCsToInitiative()
    • setInitiativeRound
    • nextInitiative() (when not the token owner)
    • setInitiativeRound()
    • removeAllFromInitative()
    • removeAllPCsFromInitiative()
    • removeAllNPCsFromInitiative()
    • addToInitiative() (when not the owner)
    • removeFromInitiative().
  • [dialog(...): ...] and close buttons
    The second argument can contain closebutton=0, or you can add

    Code: Select all

    <meta name="closebutton" content="false">
    To disable remove the close button for dialogs. Unlike setting the dialog to input this will not close the dialog once a form has been submitted. So you can choose to keep it open or close it with closeDialog() if you only want to close it based on certain criteria.
    Using the closebutton and input together are not supported so don't do it! :)
  • JSON object speed
    large JSON objects should be faster to use than they were before. If you have large lists you should move them to JSON arrays (JSON arrays were already faster but now they will be a LOT faster).
  • Assert function.
    Assert now has an optional 3rd argument assert(test, message [, showPrefix])
    If a 0 is passed the message prefix for the assert error "Macro defined error: "
    is not displayed

New Additions
  • You can now specify a tool tip for macro buttons in the macro button dialog. ToolTips that start with { or [ are evaluated, so you can create tool tips that represent uses remaining etc.
  • New macro function removeMacro(index, [, id]) to remove the macro button on a token.
  • arr = json.sort(array [, direction]) function can be used to sort json arrays. Direction is ‘ascending’/’descending’ (or any part of so ‘asc’/’desc’/’a’/’d’ all work). If arrays contain just numbers they are sorted in numerical order otherwise as strings in alphabetical order.
  • arr = json.shuffle(array) randomly shuffles the values in a json array.
  • arr = json.reverse(array) reverses the order of the elements in a json array.
  • json.indent(obj, [spaces]) “pretty formats a json string for debugging purposes, if outputting to chat use

    Code: Select all

  • getRawProperty(prop [,id]) gets the unevaluated value of a property, returns “” if property is empty (not the property default).
  • getInitiativeToken() [trusted] returns the id of the token that currently has the initiative.
  • getTokenStates([delim]) gets a list of the valid states in the campaign, “json” as the delimiter will return a json array.
Token Location and Distances
For the following functions useDistancePerCell defaults to true (1) if it is optional. If it is true the the distance or location is returned using the "Distance Per Cell" measurement when setting up the map. If it is set to false (0) then the measurement is in cells. For maps with no grids strictly there are no cells but the same logic applies.

For maps with grids, the distance returned is for the closest two cells that the token occupies if either token is more than 1 cell in size. For non grid maps its always from the center of tokens.

Two things you need to keep in mind. For hexes at the moment Tokens don't always occupy the hexes they look like they are occupying. For non grid maps even though your token may not look it, the image for the token is always a square, so for top down tokens your center may be slightly different to where you expect it to be, but to make any real difference you would have to have a REALLY big token.
  • getDistance(target [, useDistancePerCell [, sourceId]])
    This is a trusted macro function that will return the distance between two tokens.If the source token is not specified then the distance is returned from the current token.
  • getDistanceToXY(x,y, [, useDistancePerCell [, sourceId]])
    Gets the distance to a target x,y co-ordinate. If the source token is not specified then the distance is returned from the current token.
  • getTokenX([useDistancePerCell [,token]])
    Gets the x co-ordiante of the token.If the source token is not specified then the distance is returned from the current token.
  • getTokenY([useDistancePerCell [,token]])
    Gets the y co-ordiante of the token.If the source token is not specified then the distance is returned from the current token.
  • getTokenZ([useDistancePerCell [,token]])
    Gets the z order of the token.If the source token is not specified then the distance is returned from the current token. useDistancePerCell for now is totally and utterly ignored, and probably will always be.
    Changed to reflect IMarvinTPA comments now getDrawOrder([token])
  • moveToken(x,y [,z [useDistancePerCell])
    Moves the token to a new location. If you want to just move to a new x,y and keep the same z order speciy -1 as the z order.
    Changed to reflect IMarvinTPA comments now
    moveToken(x,y [, useDistnacePerCell [, token]])
    setDrawOrder(z [, token]
  • getMacroGroup(groupName [, delim [, id]])
    Gets the indexes of the macro buttons for the specified group. If delim is “json” then a json array is returned. If the id of a token is specified then the function can only be run from a trusted macro.
  • setTokenFacing(angle, [,id])
    Sets the facing angle of the token, if a token id is specified then the function can only be created from a trusted macro.
  • getTokenFacing([id)
    Gets the facing angle of the token (or “” if there is no facing), if a token id is specified then the function can only be created from a trusted macro.
  • removetokenFacing([id])
    Removes the facing from a token, if a token id is specified then the function can only be created from a trusted macro.
  • json.isEmpty(val)
    Returns 1 if val is an empty JSON object, or JSON Array, or an empty String (as that can be used as a json object in some functions). Otherwise it returns 0 (even for non JSON objects).
  • json.equals(j1, j2)]
    Returns 1 if the two json objects or arrays are equal.
  • json.evaluate(obj)
    json.evaluate() is a trusted only function that can be used to traverse a json object or array and evaluate any macros/rolls contained within agaisnt the current token and variables.
    For example, you could store the details for powers in a json object such as

    Code: Select all

       name: "Wet Noodle Attack",
       attack: "Str vs AC = [1d20 + StrMod + MiscAttBonus]",
       damage: "[WeaponDamge + StrMod + MiscDamBonus]"
    Then you could have a macro in a lib:token that takes this information, uses json.evaluate() and format it as you like, e.g.

    Code: Select all

    [h: att = json.evaluate(power)]
    You attack with [r: json.get(att, "name")]<br>
    Attack Roll is [r: json.get(att, "attack")]<br>
    Damage is [r: json.get(att, "damage")]<br>
    You may of course want to do some nicer formating than this ;) Or even use it for something completely different.
    If json.evaluate() finds a an object or array within the object/array it will also evalute any values in these objects/arrays.

User Defined Functions (lib:token short hand)
You can now define functions that can be called from within [ ] and { } as you would call normal functions. There are several new functions to support this.
  • defineFunction(function, tokenFunction)
    defineFunction() can only be called from trusted macros and can be used to create GM defined functions, (or shortcuts to lib:token functions if you prefer to think of it that way).
  • isFunctionDefined()
    Returns 1 if a function has been defined by defineFunction() or 2 .
  • val = arg(number)
    Used to get the specified argument from within a defined function. Argument numbers start at 0.
  • no = argCount()
    Returns the number of arguments passed to a defined function.

You create a macro on your Lib:Tokens called "onCampaignLoad". When a campaign is loaded (either via load or connecting to a server that has the campaign loaded). All trusted lib:tokens are checked for a macro named "onCampaignLoad" and if one exsts it is executed (output is discarded). From these macros you can use defineFunction() to define your own functions that point to macros on the lib:token.

You can then call the use defined function as you would any other function. e.g. [myfoo(“test”, 1,2,3)].

Any output (not macro.return) the macro generates is the return value of the function, (special magic happens to convert to number if appropriate). If you assign a value to macro.return inside of the function it is available to the calling function.
Note: at the moment it always returns a string, and comments in the function get copied into the string. In next patch I send to Trevor if the output is a number then its returned as a number, comments are not inserted. Also if there is no output from macro (everything is in [h:] or comments then the value assigned to macro.return is returned.

Centering the Map
  • goto(token)
    Centers the map on the specified token.
  • goto(x,y)
    Centers the map on the specified x,y location (cells as per the /goto command)
Last but not least bug fixes that affect macros.
  • json.contains now works for json arrays and not only for json objects.
  • Removed a lot of null pointer bugs in macro functions.
  • Corrected a lot of error messages in the macro functions so now all errors should reflect the function the occurred in.
  • Players can no longer call removeAllFomInitiative(), removeAllPCsFromInitiative(), or removeAllNPCsFromInitiative(). But these functions can now be called from trusted macros.
  • Getting a token property (via either getProperty() or val = property) will now always return its default value (if a the property is not set and it has one). Previously this would only occur if the token had been been edited with the edit token dialog, which lead to inconsistent behavior.
  • The macro functions to edit token macros now check the player editable status of the button before they will allow the player to edit them. If you need to edit a not player editable macro button from macro then you will have to put it into a trusted macro.
  • Fixed a bug with specifying the height of a dialog in a macro using [dialog(...): ...]
  • Updated macros so that tokens are always repainted.
  • The parser is now a log less zealous about trying to evaluate things. Values in variables should no longer be evaluate by just reading the variable. Note: this is not true of values in properties, reading them will evaluate them. If you wish to get an unevaluated value from a property use getRawProperty(). So now it is save to do things such as a = “[1d20]” without fear of interference from the parser. Use evalMaco()/execMacro() if you do want to evaluate these strings.
  • The parser now trys to convert single element JSON arrays to arrays before trying to parse them. So single element JSON arrays will no longer give you head aches.
  • Macro dialogs and frames no longer autoscroll the the bottom, the scroll bars will be positioned to show you the top left hand corner of the dialog/frame.
  • json.get() now returns an empty string if the value is not set not a null.
  • [macro(...):...] can now call macros from @campaign, @global, and @token (the impersonated token).
  • macroLink() and macroLinkText() functions can now use @this, @campaign, @global, and @token.
  • getImage(), getTokenImage(), getPortrait(), tblImage(), tableImage() no longer limit the max image size to 500.
  • When clicking on macro buttons macro.args is set to “” by default (no more unwante prompting when clicking on those buttons that are either clickable or callable via [macro(...):..]
  • JSON Objects now work in macro links.
  • currentToken(), getImpersonated(), getImpersonatedName(), getSelected(), getSelectedName(), getVisible(), getVisibleNames() functions no longer need to be in a trusted macro as the player already knows the tokens exist.
  • Image: and Lib: utility tokens are not returned from the getToken functions.
  • When ever an exception occurs during a macro the error message will now always return either the name of the macro function that failed, or the line that failed (so no more vague cant execute: null, or cant execute: Java.lang.String error messages).
  • Typing carriage returns into <textarea> will no longer cause the macro.args string to break.
  • Macro function setHasSight() can now be called on PCs to match changes elsewhere.

Edited to fix formatting
Edited with updates
Last edited by Craig on Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:53 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by palmer »

Craig wrote:You can now specify a tool tip for macro buttons in the macro button dialog. ToolTips that start with { or [ are evaluated, so you can create tool tips that represent uses remaining etc.
I'm sure there will be lots more questions but two points on this one bit.

A: Can we format the tooltip at all? I'm really only interested in adding line breaks, but other formatting would be bonus.

B: It'll only evaluate the tip if it STARTS with a bracket? So I can't have a tooltip that reads: "Will heal you for {SurgeValue} HP, bringing you up to {HP+SurgeValue} Hit Points." for instance? I can think of a LOT of tooltips that are best written starting with plain text and adding evaluations later on.

C: What if an evaluated tooltip calls an undefined value? Will it prompt for the value? That would get old really fast.

D: Can an evaluated tooltip do property assignments? I can't see why you would want to (same with C above), but people do some pretty strange stuff with the functions we have - I remember one macro set that used a die roll in the properties to make the stat sheet randomly display a different selection of skill ratings each time you moused over your token, which was rather unorthodox. So yeah.

*brain shuts down and eyes glaze over for all the json stuff*

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

palmer wrote:
Craig wrote:You can now specify a tool tip for macro buttons in the macro button dialog. ToolTips that start with { or [ are evaluated, so you can create tool tips that represent uses remaining etc.
I'm sure there will be lots more questions but two points on this one bit.

A: Can we format the tooltip at all? I'm really only interested in adding line breaks, but other formatting would be bonus.
Yes, if you place any text in the tooltip within <html></html> tags you can do html formatting (including tables, etc etc)....
In fact here is one I prepared earlier.
MacroButtonToolTip.jpeg (52.51 KiB) Viewed 3326 times
palmer wrote: B: It'll only evaluate the tip if it STARTS with a bracket? So I can't have a tooltip that reads: "Will heal you for {SurgeValue} HP, bringing you up to {HP+SurgeValue} Hit Points." for instance? I can think of a LOT of tooltips that are best written starting with plain text and adding evaluations later on.
Yes. But you can always build the string in a [] or {}, you could even do [code: { You have [r: ammo] shots left }]. I know this is not as easy as You have [r: ammo] shots left. But if I evaluated everything by default then there is no way to use [] or {} brackets within the toolip, or doing so could throw exceptions.
palmer wrote: C: What if an evaluated tooltip calls an undefined value? Will it prompt for the value? That would get old really fast.
Unfortunately nothing I can do there without a largish change to how variables are handled. Although one question would be why are you using undefined values in tool tips? What would I default them to anyways? Note that the bug where default properties are not picked up correctly before the token is edited has been fixed so you can always set a default for any properties you use in tool tips.
palmer wrote: D: Can an evaluated tooltip do property assignments? I can't see why you would want to (same with C above), but people do some pretty strange stuff with the functions we have - I remember one macro set that used a die roll in the properties to make the stat sheet randomly display a different selection of skill ratings each time you moused over your token, which was rather unorthodox. So yeah.
If the button belongs to a token then yeah you could update that token. For Campaign/Global macro buttons you cant update a token, you also cant update a token from the common token macro buttons on the selection panel. But you need to be careful, if you move the mouse slightly then the tooltip is redisplayed which means re-evaluated, I guess you could make a button tooltip that increases token health while you wave the mouse pointer over the button :) but I am guessing thats not what most would want...

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by IMarvinTPA »

I can hardly wait. I'm looking forward to recreating my Individual Vision macro with these updates, and having it work well!

Will setSight force a light map redraw?


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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

IMarvinTPA wrote:I can hardly wait. I'm looking forward to recreating my Individual Vision macro with these updates, and having it work well!

Will setSight force a light map redraw?

Redraws are fixed in b51, this was a temporary problem with b50 because the auto redraw thread was removed.

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by IMarvinTPA »

There are two types of "Z" in maptool.
Draw order and Altitude/Height/Elevation.

It would be cool if the distance could include the difference of the Elevation for the flying wizard vs the earth elemental.

I wouldn't completely discount "Z", but I would recommend avoiding mixing the differences between the two types.

Leave this one alone:
# getDistanceToXY(x,y, [, useDistancePerCell [, sourceId]])
# getDistanceToXYE(x,y, Elv, [, useDistancePerCell [, sourceId]])
# getTokenElv([useDistancePerCell [,token]])
# getTokenDrawOrder([token]])
# setTokenDrawOrder(z [, token])

# getTokenZ([useDistancePerCell [,token]])

# moveToken(x, y [, Elv [, useDistancePerCell]])


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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by RPTroll »


I assume a change of this magnitude can break a few tings. Anything you've run into you care to share?
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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by jfrazierjr »

Just a reminder, for those that have a default values set AND have multiple property sets(say, for example those people who playing LFR games where each DM may have specific property sets they support but not others) where each property set has a different value that you still have to make sure you have the appropriate property set configured on the token before getting/setting a default value via a macro.
I save all my Campaign Files to DropBox. Not only can I access a campaign file from pretty much any OS that will run Maptool(Win,OSX, linux), but each file is versioned, so if something goes crazy wild, I can always roll back to a previous version of the same file.

Get your Dropbox 2GB via my referral link, and as a bonus, I get an extra 250 MB of space. Even if you don't don't use my link, I still enthusiastically recommend Dropbox..

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

jfrazierjr wrote:Just a reminder, for those that have a default values set AND have multiple property sets(say, for example those people who playing LFR games where each DM may have specific property sets they support but not others) where each property set has a different value that you still have to make sure you have the appropriate property set configured on the token before getting/setting a default value via a macro.
Thanks for pointing this out. This is true. What happens is if a value can not be found for a property on the the Token then the default will be retrieved using the property name AND property type. If you have multiple property types say for simplicity Player and Monster, and Player HP has a default of 0 and Monster has no default for HP you will only get the default when getting the property for tokens with a token type of Player. Monsters with no HP value will still have an undefined value. (If you change token to Player then it will pick up the player default).

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

RPTroll wrote:WOWSA!!!

I assume a change of this magnitude can break a few tings. Anything you've run into you care to share?
There are a few things that wont work any more which are detailed at the top of the post. There is one other where submitting a form with an empty text box can create a string property list (if not using method="json") that breaks json.fromStrProp(foo) but I have
not detailed this as I consider it a bug so I have created a patch to fix it that I will send to Trevor along with some other things later this week.

I ran my game over the weekend using the build and experienced no problems, but then again I would not of used every little thing that changed :)

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

IMarvinTPA wrote:There are two types of "Z" in maptool.
Draw order and Altitude/Height/Elevation.
Actually as far as token position is concerned in map tool there is only X and Y, Z is draw order. There is no Height/Altitude/Elevation position at all. You can add your own token property but thats like saying I have a token property called SecondPicture which contains an alternate image that is used by MapTool.

IMarvinTPA wrote: It would be cool if the distance could include the difference of the Elevation for the flying wizard vs the earth elemental.
All positional information in MapTool is 2d. You would have to put in a feature request for elevation to be part of tokens position. There is no consistent field for elevation, there is no consistent method for tracking it. Also map grids would have to be defined in 3 dimensions, and also movement costs. Think about it how high are grid units? Surely squares can not just be extended to be cubes in 4e (or many other games) for example otherwise medium creatures would all have to be under 5 feet tall to fit in one "square".
IMarvinTPA wrote: I wouldn't completely discount "Z", but I would recommend avoiding mixing the differences between the two types.
Z is Z order. There is no mixing it up as there currently isnt anything else. Come 1.4 that may change but then so will the macros.
IMarvinTPA wrote: # getDistanceToXYE(x,y, Elv, [, useDistancePerCell [, sourceId]])
# getTokenElv([useDistancePerCell [,token]])
Not possible for many of the reasons above.
IMarvinTPA wrote: # getTokenDrawOrder([token]])
# setTokenDrawOrder(z [, token])
Since there is no third dimension I don't know if this is required
IMarvinTPA wrote: Modify:
# moveToken(x, y [, Elv [, useDistancePerCell]])
Also not possible

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Azhrei »

Craig wrote:This list is not final, changes could be made before B51
The range JSON object can contain the following fields (all optional)
  • token - token id/name, if not specified range is from the current token
  • distancePerCell - true/false, should the distance per cell multiplier be used.
  • from - number, find tokens from this distance (inclusive)
  • upto - number, find tokens upto this disatance (inlclusive)
You mention "distancePerCell" here but "useDistance" appears in your example. One of them is a typo?
The area option is a little more complex than the other options. It allows you to define an arbitarily shaped "area", and only tokens in this area are returned.
This is pretty cool. With a set of macros that return the proper offsets already constructed, any shape could be used easily. For example, a macro that returned the offsets for a 20-foot circle would represent D&D's fireball spell. I like. :)

This sounds like it would be possible to do 2x2 and 4x4 areas as long as the offsets were lopsided in some direction. For example, such as -1 on the x, then +1/+2 on the right.

But what about people working gridless? Will the use of "area" produce a warning or error?
json.get() can now be used to return json array slices
This is also cool. If the offsets from my previous comment were put into an array starting with those offsets closest to a token and expanding outward, then a single array called "Circle" could represent all circular effects and retrieving a slice of the array would return the appropriate size. For example, the first 8 array elements would define the 8 squares around the current position. The next 16 represent and area that's 5x5 (it would have the original 8 from the 3x3, plus 16 more to account for the 5x5).

Still reading...

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by IMarvinTPA »

My main point is to just avoid using the term Z for some form of vertical axis since there could be two types of vertical axi (Render Depth/Physical Height).

I would like to see getTokenDrawOrder([token]]) and setTokenDrawOrder(z [, token]) as compliments to the more extreme sendToBack() and bringToFront()

All the others are for some future release, but I'd like to avoid naming collision now if possible.

(I also have no idea what shape 3d hexes are. The best I can imagine are extruded hexes that are square when viewed on the side.)


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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Craig »

Azhrei wrote:
Craig wrote:This list is not final, changes could be made before B51
The range JSON object can contain the following fields (all optional)
  • token - token id/name, if not specified range is from the current token
  • distancePerCell - true/false, should the distance per cell multiplier be used.
  • from - number, find tokens from this distance (inclusive)
  • upto - number, find tokens upto this disatance (inlclusive)
You mention "distancePerCell" here but "useDistance" appears in your example. One of them is a typo?
The correct one is distancePerCell, the example is wrong. I have updated the original post.
Azhrei wrote:
The area option is a little more complex than the other options. It allows you to define an arbitarily shaped "area", and only tokens in this area are returned.
This is pretty cool. With a set of macros that return the proper offsets already constructed, any shape could be used easily. For example, a macro that returned the offsets for a 20-foot circle would represent D&D's fireball spell. I like. :)

This sounds like it would be possible to do 2x2 and 4x4 areas as long as the offsets were lopsided in some direction. For example, such as -1 on the x, then +1/+2 on the right.
You can define any shape you want. One way you could use this is to have a "fireball" token that the player can move and the area defined for that. For systems that have intersections as targets you can adjust the token layout so it looks like its over the corner, and define a lopsided area.
Azhrei wrote: But what about people working gridless? Will the use of "area" produce a warning or error?
I am not sure what to do here. At the moment it doesn't give an error. It can still be used but is it practicable to do so?
Azhrei wrote:
json.get() can now be used to return json array slices
This is also cool. If the offsets from my previous comment were put into an array starting with those offsets closest to a token and expanding outward, then a single array called "Circle" could represent all circular effects and retrieving a slice of the array would return the appropriate size. For example, the first 8 array elements would define the 8 squares around the current position. The next 16 represent and area that's 5x5 (it would have the original 8 from the 3x3, plus 16 more to account for the 5x5).
And you can create user defined functions so you could have this in your lib token and do

Code: Select all

areaOffsets =

to hide the calculations the messy calculations of which array elements to use. :)

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Re: Preview of macro additions/changes in b51.

Post by Mathemagician »

So, other than speed in "large" variable settings, is there anything that JSON does that setStrProp styled coding doesn't do? (And what is large? :) My string property lists typically contain 4 to 5 variables?)

Also..."WOW!" :)

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