Requests / Suggestions for generic forms and Interface

Discussion of your thoughts & requests, help for users and game specific configuration files for Character Tool

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Requests / Suggestions for generic forms and Interface

Post by biodude »

I finally managed to get CharacterTool to run on my Mac (woot!). So far, so good, but my big disappointment, as with most Chararcter Generators / Managers, is that it's not easy to configure the sheet: either layout, structure, or behaviour. I feel this is important, since many gamers I know use some kind of house rules, that immediately make restrictive programs less useful. I understand CharacterTool is still in early development, and a sheet editor is still in development. Based on what I have seen, I'm excited about the potential of CharacterTool and the structure it's using. So, I thought this might be a good time to share some of my ideas.

I've been thinking a lot (maybe too much) about how my ideal software would work to create, configure, edit and use dynamic, autocalculating Character Sheets to use in-game or print for use on paper.

Note that my programming skills are amateur at best (I have no experience actually coding a user-interface or building stand-alone applications), so I haven't actually made such software, just described how I would like it to work (CharacterTool is one it's way to being pretty close to what I'm looking for). I make no claim that this is the "One True" system, but this document is intended rather as a "white paper" to provide ideas for thought and discussion. I decided to share it publicly, in the hope that these ideas can improve existing software, including CharacterTool. Call it "enlightened self-interest" ;-).

If you are interested, I invite you to read my ideas for a Flexible Form Framework for interactive, auto-calculating RPG Character Sheets.
Feel free to offer feedback here.

I apologize if the terminology is inconsistent: it evolved as I was writing. I've tried to edit it for consistency, and may continue to do so, as I get feedback or more ideas. The document is written & maintained as a nested list of notes, using NoteBook software, by Circus Ponies, and exported as a web page directly from the program.
Last edited by biodude on Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Azhrei »

I haven't read your linked notes... But I do have an idea for something you may want to take a look at.

It's the "Profiler" tool at They currently have three or four sheets built using javascript. Some auto-calculations are done, such as entering a STR score and seeing the modifier populate. And parts of the sheet that depend on STR will auto-update if you add a temporary STR modifier, for example.

Personally, I think such things should be based on an acyclic dependency graph instead of the ad-hoc approach that I see so many programs adopt.

The cool things about the Profiler are (a) it's written in javascript so it's easy to see/modify the source code, and (b) it's fairly extensible in terms of adding new sheets. They didn't do a *great* job in separating the HTML from the script, as there are still onclick attributes and such, but overall it's pretty good. You can save your characters on their web site, but they also have an XML import/export function. That's one thing that excites me in regards to MapTool: it would be cool to run it through a transform and end up with a PC token! Just add the image and you're ready to go!

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Post by biodude »

Azhrei wrote: The cool things about the Profiler are (a) it's written in javascript so it's easy to see/modify the source code, and (b) it's fairly extensible in terms of adding new sheets.
Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking of building a system in HTML / CSS / javascript. Mostly because that's what I'm familiar with. The main limitation is that javascript can't load files directly: you have to have a text box to copy-and-paste text content (xml files) to load in. A system I had envisioned depends on several related files.

I tried the link, but the "Profiler" doesn't appear to be working (the link returns to the same page). :( I guess I have to register on yet another forum site :?
Azhrei wrote: Personally, I think such things should be based on an acyclic dependency graph instead of the ad-hoc approach that I see so many programs adopt.
Those are big words :P But, it sounds like they describe what I had in mind, and I totally agree. Most RPGs are based on objects that modify other objects: e.g. a magic item that grants you a bonus to some other stat. Most software (RPG Tools) are built with a reverse approach: as objects whose values are explicitly based on other objects (i.e. equations in cells of a spreadsheet). A better software tool would be built on the same principles, approach, and structures as the RPGs themselves.

Thanks for the comments!

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Post by Azhrei »

Sorry for the big words. ;) I've got a coding background so I tend to lapse into that geek-speak when talking about code stuff. Especially on the forums here since so many of the members play with various types of code themselves... (Btw, I like that wiki page. From there I went to polytrees which are actually a much better definition of the problem. Don't you just love wikipedia? :))

I had always thought that the Controller pattern from the Design Patterns book would be the right way to go. (Oops, I just checked. From the patterns in that book, I'm thinking of a combination of the Mediator and Observer patterns. They both promote loose coupling, which is a Good Thing, IMO.)

Anyway, I've grabbed the JS from the Profiler and plan to modify the "ogl/" directory to be "pfb1" (PathFinder Beta 1, since I don't know how many betas there might be). It doesn't look difficult at all, but I have a list of things I'd like to see supported (I posted to their forums about what I'd like to see) and a few of those features may require some code restructuring.

But the 3.5E profile works fine for now, so I'm not in a great hurry. Although I would like to add some media types to the CSS so that I don't get a 7-inch wide page on my LCD, but only on the printed page. That will happen pretty soon if I can get to it...

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