[MT1.3b87.02 Bug Fix] Error with unchecking last item

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[MT1.3b87.02 Bug Fix] Error with unchecking last item

Post by aliasmask »

When creating your own items, whenever subCalcMod would run, it would toss an error. This can be duplicated by un-equipping the last item in your items. This may also be related to some mods being mysteriously removed.

Basically, the fix changes this:

Code: Select all

[H, IF( active ): 
   oldTMS = if( json.get( newTMS, 0 ) == "",
      json.set( newTMS, 0, modSet ),
      json.append( newTMS, modSet)
   oldTMS = if( idxMS == -1, 
      json.remove( newTMS, abs( idxMS ) )
To this:

Code: Select all

[H, if( active ), code: {
   [H: oldTMS = json.append(newTMS,modSet)]
   [H, if(idxMS == -1): oldTMS = newTMS; oldTMS = json.remove(newTMS,idxMS)]
The error was caused by Wiki: if(). Both sides of condition will be run, so that means it always ran the json.remove even when nothing was there to remove causing the error.
  • ...Patch: subCalcMod...

    Code: Select all

    @@ @subCalcMod
    [H: gTok = "Lib:GlobalsSRDPF" ]
    [H: tToken = json.get( macro.args, "tokenID" ) ]
    [H: active = json.get( macro.args, "active" ) ]
    [H: modSet = json.get( macro.args, "setID" ) ]
    [H: param = json.get( macro.args, "param" ) ]
    [H: presetVars = json.get( macro.args, "presetVars" ) ]
    [H: tclvl = json.get( macro.args, "casterlevel" ) ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): BardLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Bard_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Caster_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): CasterLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Cleric_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): ClericLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Paladin_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): PaladinLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): BarbarianLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Barbarian_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Monk_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): MonkLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): WitchLevel = tclvl; "" ]
    [H, IF(tclvl != ""): Witch_Level = tclvl; "" ]
    [H: switchToken( tToken ) ]
    [H, IF( !json.isEmpty( presetVars ) ): varsFromStrProp( json.toStrProp( presetVars ) ) ]
    [H: jTM = json.merge( getLibProperty( "TempModToggleSets", gTok ), BonusTypedItems ) ]
    [H: aTMS = json.get( PrivateJSON, "ActiveTempModSets" ) ]
    [H: aTMS = if( json.type( aTMS ) == "UNKNOWN", "[]", aTMS ) ]
    [H: aItems = json.get( PrivateJSON, "ActiveItems" ) ]
    [H: aItems = if( json.type( aItems ) == "UNKNOWN", "[]", aItems ) ]
    [H: newTMS = json.unique( json.merge( aTMS, aItems ) ) ]
    [H: nTMSlen = json.length( newTMS ) ]
    [H: tSpeed = Speed ]
    [H: Base = json.get(tSpeed, "base")]
    [H: Climb = json.get(tSpeed, "climb")]
    [H: Swim = json.get(tSpeed, "swim")]
    [H: Burrow = json.get(tSpeed, "burrow")]
    [H: Fly = json.get(tSpeed, "fly")]
    [H: tStatCheckMod = StatCheckMod ]
    [H: StrengthCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "StrengthCheckMod")]
    [H: DexterityCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "DexterityCheckMod")]
    [H: ConstitutionCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "ConstitutionCheckMod")]
    [H: IntelligenceCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "IntelligenceCheckMod")]
    [H: WisdomCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "WisdomCheckMod")]
    [H: CharismaCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "CharismaCheckMod")]
    [H: tDRERMod = DRERMod ]
    [H: DR_All = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_All")]
    [H: DR_Adamantine = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Adamantine")]
    [H: DR_ColdIron = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_ColdIron")]
    [H: DR_Epic = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Epic")]
    [H: DR_Magic = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Magic")]
    [H: DR_Silver = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Silver")]
    [H: DR_Bludgeoning = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Bludgeoning")]
    [H: DR_Piercing = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Piercing")]
    [H: DR_Slashing = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Slashing")]
    [H: DR_Chaos = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Chaos")]
    [H: DR_Evil = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Evil")]
    [H: DR_Good = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Good")]
    [H: DR_Law = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Law")]
    [H: ER_Acid = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Acid")]
    [H: ER_Cold = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Cold")]
    [H: ER_Electricity = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Electricity")]
    [H: ER_Fire = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Fire")]
    [H: ER_Sonic = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Sonic")]
    [H: idxMS = json.indexOf( newTMS, modSet ) ]
    [H: '<!-- Fixed if statement from function to roll -->']
    [H, if( active ), code: {
       [H: oldTMS = json.append(newTMS,modSet)]
       [H, if(idxMS == -1): oldTMS = newTMS; oldTMS = json.remove(newTMS,idxMS)]
    [H: wTMS = if( active, oldTMS, newTMS ) ]
    [H: tList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modTypeList" ) ) ]
    [H: tAddStackList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modAddStackList" ) ) ]
    [H: asA = "" ]
    [H, FOREACH( p, tAddStackList ): asA = listAppend( asA, listFind( tList, p ) ) ]
    [H: nbA = "[]" ]
    [H, FOREACH( t, tList ): nbA = json.append( nbA, 0 ) ]
    [H: obA = nbA ]
    [H: npA = nbA ]
    [H: opA = nbA ]
    [H: jPTM = json.get( PrivateJSON, "CustomModSetValues" ) ]
    [H, IF( json.type( jPTM ) != "OBJECT" ): jPTM = "{}" ]
    [H, FOREACH( ms, wTMS ), CODE: {
       [ activeTM = if( listContains( json.toList( oldTMS ), ms ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ tSet = json.get( jTM, ms ) ]
       [IF( json.isEmpty( tSet ) ): tjMods = "{}";  tjMods = json.get( tSet, "mods" ) ]
       [ tjMod = json.get( tjMods, param ) ]
       [IF( json.type( tjMod ) == "OBJECT" && !json.isEmpty( tjMod ) ): v = json.get( tjMod, "v" ); v = 0 ]
       [ hasGlobalMod = if( getFindCount( strfind( v, "(globalMod)" ) ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [IF( !isNumber( v ) && ( activeTM || active ) ), CODE: {
          [ jPMS = json.get( jPTM, ms ) ]
          [ tjPMods = json.get( jPMS, "mods" ) ]
          [ v = json.get( json.get( tjPMods, param ), "v" ) ]
          [IF( !isNumber( v ) ): v = 0 ]
          [IF( ms == modSet ): jPTM = json.set( jPTM, ms, json.set( jPMS, "f", 0 ) ) ]
          [IF( ms == modSet ): PrivateJSON = json.set( PrivateJSON, "CustomModSetValues", jPTM ) ]
       [IF( !isNumber( v ) && !active && ( ms == modSet ) ), CODE: {
          [ vo = decode( replaceStr( encode(v), "%22", "%60" ) ) ]
          [IF( json.isEmpty( jPTM ) ): jPMS = "{}"; jPMS = json.get( jPTM, ms ) ]
          [IF( json.isEmpty( jPMS ) ): tjPMods = "{}"; tjPMods = json.get( jPMS, "mods" ) ]
          [ globalMod = 0 ]
          [ fresh = 0 ]
          [IF( !json.isEmpty( jPMS ) ): fresh = json.get( jPMS, "f" ) ]
          [IF( hasGlobalMod && fresh ): globalMod = json.get( json.get( tjPMods, "globalMod" ), "v" ) ]
          [IF( hasGlobalMod && json.isEmpty( globalMod ) ):  globalMod = json.get( json.get( tjMods, "globalMod" ), "v" ) ]
          [IF( json.isEmpty( jPMS ) || !fresh ): ttip =  json.get( json.get( jTM, ms ), "tip" ); ttip = json.get( jPMS, "tip" ) ]
          [ hasMACRO = if( getFindCount( strfind( v, "(MACRO)" ) ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
          [IF( hasMACRO ): tgM = evalMacro( v ) ]
          [IF( hasMACRO ): v = macro.return; v = eval( "" + v ) ]
          [ vtip = decode( replaceStr( encode( "  " + v ), "%22", "%60" ) ) ]
          [ ntip = replaceStr( ttip,  vo + "</t", vtip + "</t" ) ]
          [IF( json.isEmpty( tjPMods ) ): tjPMod = "{}"; tjPMod = json.get( tjPMods, param ) ]
          [ jPTM = json.set( jPTM, ms, json.set( jPMS, "mods", json.set( tjPMods, param, json.set( tjPMod, "v", v ) ), "f", 1, "tip", ntip ) ) ]
          [ PrivateJSON = json.set( PrivateJSON, "CustomModSetValues", jPTM ) ]
       [IF( param != "globalMod" ), CODE: {
          [ penalty = if( v >= 0, 0, 1 ) ]
          [IF( json.type( tjMod ) == "OBJECT" && !json.isEmpty( tjMod ) ): t = json.get( tjMod, "t" ); t = 0 ]
          [ obV = json.get( obA, t ) ]
          [ opV = json.get( opA, t ) ]
          [ nbV = json.get( nbA, t ) ]
          [ npV = json.get( npA, t ) ]
          [ addT =  listContains( asA, t ) ]
          [IF( modSet != ms || active ): oV = if( addT > 0, v + if( penalty, opV, obV ), if( penalty, min( v, opV ), max( v, obV ) ) ); oV = if( penalty, opV, obV ) ]
          [IF( penalty ): opA = json.set( opA, t, oV ); obA = json.set( obA, t, oV ) ]
          [IF( modSet != ms || !active ): cV = if( addT > 0, v + if( penalty, npV, nbV ), if( penalty, min( v, npV ), max( v, nbV ) ) ); cV = if( penalty, npV, nbV ) ]
          [IF( penalty ): npA = json.set( npA, t, cV ); nbA = json.set( nbA, t, cV ) ]
       }; {}]
    [H: oldMSTotal = 0 ]
    [H: newMSTotal = 0 ]
    [H, IF( param != "globalMod" ), CODE: {
       [H: i = 0 ]
       [H, FOREACH( t, tList ), CODE: {
          [ newMSTotal = newMSTotal + json.get( npA, i ) + json.get( nbA, i ) ]
          [ oldMSTotal = oldMSTotal + json.get( opA, i ) + json.get( obA, i ) ]
          [ i = i + 1 ]
    }; {}]
    [H: macro.return = json.set( json.set( "{}", "oldMSTotal", oldMSTotal ), "newMSTotal", newMSTotal ) ]
Fixing that bug led to another bug that would put "" inside an empty array. This is the fix for that:
  • ...Patch: subModToggle...

    Code: Select all

    @@ @subModToggle
    @PROPS@ fontColor=black ; autoExecute=true ; fontSize=1.00em ; sortBy=30 ; color=pink ; playerEditable=false ; applyToSelected=false ; group=Utility Mods ; tooltip= ; minWidth= ; 
    [H: tToken = json.get( macro.args, "tokenID" ) ]
    [H: tmID = json.get( macro.args, "setID" ) ]
    [H: tmType = json.get( macro.args, "setType" ) ]
    [H: presetVars = json.get( macro.args, "presetVars" ) ]
    [H: tclvl = json.get( macro.args, "casterlevel" ) ]
    [H: gTok = "Lib:GlobalsSRDPF" ]
    [H: jTM = getLibProperty( "TempModToggleSets", gTok ) ]
    [H: modDRERFieldList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modDRERFieldList" ) ) ]
    [H: modStatCheckFieldList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modStatCheckFieldList" ) ) ]
    [H: modList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modFieldList" ) ) ]
    [H: modArmorFieldList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modArmorFieldList" ) ) ]
    [H: modSpeedFieldList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modSpeedFieldList" ) ) ]
    [H: statesList = getTokenStates() ]
    [H: modAddStackList = table( "SysVars", json.get( table( "SysVars", 0 ), "modAddStackList" ) ) ]
    [H: output = ""]
    [H: globalMod = 0 ]
    [H: switchToken( tToken ) ]
    [H, MACRO( "subBaselineArmor@this" ): json.set( "{}", "tokenID", tToken ) ]
    [H: jTM = json.merge( jTM, BonusTypedItems ) ]
    [H: tjMods = json.get( json.get( jTM, tmID ), "mods" ) ]
    [H: state = json.get( json.get( jTM, tmID ), "state" ) ]
    [H: tmacro = json.get( json.get( jTM, tmID ), "macro" ) ]
    [H: tDieHard = getStrProp(Feats, "DieHard")]
    [H: tDieHard = if(tDieHard == "", 0, tDieHard)]
    [H: Armor = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "Armor")]
    [H: ArmorACP = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "ArmorACP")]
    [H: Shield = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "Shield")]
    [H: MaxDex = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "MaxDex")]
    [H: Natural = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "Natural")]
    [H: Deflection = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "Deflection")]
    [H: Dodge = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "Dodge")]
    [H: ACMod = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "ACMod")]
    [H: ACMod = if( ACMod == "", 0, ACMod )]
    [H: ArmorMod = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "ArmorMod")]
    [H: ArmorMod = if( ArmorMod == "", 0, ArmorMod )]
    [H: ShieldMod = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "ShieldMod")]
    [H: ShieldMod = if( ShieldMod == "", 0, ShieldMod )]
    [H: NaturalMod = getStrProp(ArmorClass, "NaturalMod")]
    [H: NaturalMod = if( NaturalMod == "", 0, NaturalMod )]
    [H: tSpeed = SpeedMod ]
    [H: Base = json.get(tSpeed, "base")]
    [H: Climb = json.get(tSpeed, "climb")]
    [H: Swim = json.get(tSpeed, "swim")]
    [H: Burrow = json.get(tSpeed, "burrow")]
    [H: Fly = json.get(tSpeed, "fly")]
    [H: tStatCheckMod = StatCheckMod ]
    [H: StrengthCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "StrengthCheckMod")]
    [H: DexterityCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "DexterityCheckMod")]
    [H: ConstitutionCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "ConstitutionCheckMod")]
    [H: IntelligenceCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "IntelligenceCheckMod")]
    [H: WisdomCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "WisdomCheckMod")]
    [H: CharismaCheckMod = json.get(tStatCheckMod, "CharismaCheckMod")]
    [H: tDRERMod = DRERMod ]
    [H: DR_All = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_All")]
    [H: DR_Adamantine = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Adamantine")]
    [H: DR_ColdIron = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_ColdIron")]
    [H: DR_Epic = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Epic")]
    [H: DR_Magic = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Magic")]
    [H: DR_Silver = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Silver")]
    [H: DR_Bludgeoning = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Bludgeoning")]
    [H: DR_Piercing = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Piercing")]
    [H: DR_Slashing = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Slashing")]
    [H: DR_Chaos = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Chaos")]
    [H: DR_Evil = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Evil")]
    [H: DR_Good = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Good")]
    [H: DR_Law = json.get(tDRERMod, "DR_Law")]
    [H: ER_Acid = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Acid")]
    [H: ER_Cold = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Cold")]
    [H: ER_Electricity = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Electricity")]
    [H: ER_Fire = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Fire")]
    [H: ER_Sonic = json.get(tDRERMod, "ER_Sonic")]
    [H: SR_SR = json.get(tDRERMod, "SR_SR")]
    [H: aTMS = json.toList( json.get( PrivateJSON, "ActiveTempModSets" ) ) ]
    [H: aItems = json.toList( json.get( PrivateJSON, "ActiveItems" ) ) ]
    [H: activeTM = if( listContains( aTMS, tmID ) > 0 && tmType == 0, 1, 0 ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 0 ): aTMS = if( activeTM,
       listDelete( aTMS, listFind( aTMS, tmID ) ),
       listAppend( aTMS, tmID ) ) 
    [H: activeItem = if( listContains( aItems, tmID ) > 0 && tmType == 1, 1, 0 ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ): aItems = if( activeItem,
        listDelete( aItems, listFind( aItems, tmID ) ),
        listAppend( aItems, tmID ) )
    [H: '<!-- Problem with putting empty string in array -->']
    [H, if(json.isEmpty(aTMS)): aTMSj = "[]"; aTMSj = json.fromList(aTMS)]
    [H, if(json.isEmpty(aItems)): aItemsj = "[]"; aItemsj = json.fromList(aItems)]
    [H: PrivateJSON = json.set( PrivateJSON, "ActiveTempModSets", aTMSj, "ActiveItems", aItemsj)]
    [H: active = if( activeTM || activeItem, 1, 0 ) ]
    [H: tHP = HP ]
    [H: tDamage = HPmax - HP]
    [H, FOREACH( m, json.fields( tjMods ) ), CODE: {
       [ isModField = if( listContains( modList, m ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ isArmor = if( listContains( modArmorFieldList, m ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ isSpeed = if( listContains( modSpeedFieldList, m ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ isStatCheckMod = if( listContains( modStatCheckFieldList, m ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ isDRERMod = if( listContains( modDRERFieldList, m ) > 0, 1, 0 ) ]
       [ tm = eval( "" + m ) ]
       [MACRO( "subCalcMod@this" ): json.set( "{}", "tokenID", tToken, "setID", tmID, "param", m, "active", active, "presetVars", presetVars, "casterlevel", tclvl ) ]
       [ newMSTotal = json.get( macro.return, "newMSTotal" ) ]
       [ oldMSTotal = json.get( macro.return, "oldMSTotal" ) ]
       [IF( isModField ): setProperty( m, tm - oldMSTotal + newMSTotal ) ]
       [IF( isArmor ): ArmorClass =  setStrProp( ArmorClass, m, if( listContains( modAddStackList, m ) > 0 || matches( m, ".*Mod" ),
          tm - oldMSTotal + newMSTotal,
    	  newMSTotal ) )
       [IF( isSpeed ): SpeedMod =  json.set( SpeedMod, lower( m ), ( tm - oldMSTotal + newMSTotal ) ) ]
       [IF( isStatCheckMod ): StatCheckMod =  json.set( StatCheckMod, m, ( tm - oldMSTotal + newMSTotal ) ) ]
       [IF( isDRERMod ): DRERMod =  json.set( DRERMod, m, ( tm - oldMSTotal + newMSTotal ) ) ]
    [H: tACP = 0 ]
    [H: tmaxdex = 50 ]
    [H: tencumbered = 0 ]
    [H: tdesc = "" ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ), FOREACH( i, aItems ), CODE: {
       [ jI = json.get( BonusTypedItems, i ) ]
       [ tACP = tACP + json.get( jI, "acp" ) ]
       [ tmaxdex = min( tmaxdex, json.get( jI, "maxdex" ) ) ]
       [ tencumbered = max( tencumbered, json.get( jI, "encumbered" ) ) ]
       [ tnote = json.get( jI, "note" ) ]
       [ armorDesc = if( json.contains( json.get( jI, "mods" ), "Armor" ) || json.contains( json.get( jI, "mods" ), "Shield" ), 1, 0 ) ]
       [IF( tnote != "" && armorDesc ): tdesc = listAppend( tdesc, tnote ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ): ArmorClass = setStrProp( ArmorClass, "ArmorACP", tACP ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ): ArmorClass = setStrProp( ArmorClass, "MaxDex", tmaxdex ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ): ArmorClass = setStrProp( ArmorClass, "Description", tdesc ) ]
    [H, IF( tmType == 1 ): SpeedMod = json.set( SpeedMod, "encumbered", tencumbered ) ]
    [H, IF( listContains( statesList, state ) > 0 ): setState( state, !active ) ]
    [R,S,G, IF( tmacro != ""), MACRO( tmacro ): json.set( "{}", "token", tToken, "active", active, "casterlevel", tclvl ) ]
    [H: HP = HPmax - tDamage]
    [H: HPChange = HP - tHP]
    [H: state.Unconscious = if( ( ( (HP + HPtemp) < 0 ) || ( HPNonLethalDMG > (HP + HPtemp) ) ) && !tDieHard, 1, if((HPChange > 0) && ((HP + HPtemp) >= 0) && ((HP + HPtemp) >= HPNonLethalDMG), 0, state.Unconscious))]
    [H, MACRO("subUpdateHPStatesBars@this"): "Token=" + tToken]
    [H, MACRO("subRecalcAC@this"): "Token=" + tToken]
    [H, MACRO("subRecalcMovement@this"): "Token=" + tToken]
    [H, MACRO("subRecalcDR@this"): json.set( "{}", "Token", tToken ) ]
    [H: output = output + "<b>" + token.name + "</b> -- " + if( active, "<font color='red'>REMOVING</font>:  ", "<font color='green'>APPLYING</font>:  " ) + "<i>" + tmID + "</i><br>"]
    [H: macro.return = output ]

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Great Wyrm
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Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:30 am
Location: Layfayette Hill, PA

Re: [MT1.3b87.02 Bug Fix] Error with unchecking last item

Post by lmarkus001 »

Cool, I was fixing this in parallel. It turns out the bad behavior only actively and reliably showed when a token had NO items. In the couple of years I have used this we never ran into this.

But I just started Skull n Shackles where they started as shanghaied pirates with nothing to their name and boom there it was lurking! (As an aside, I have a really nice SnS campaign file for the Wormwood Mutiny adventure path.)

I just did this in subCalcMod

Code: Select all

[H, if( active ), code: {
   [H: jisEmpty = json.isEmpty( newTMS ) ]
   [H, IF(jisEmpty): oldTMS = json.set( '[""]', 0, modSet ); oldTMS = json.append(newTMS,modSet)]
   [H, IF(idxMS == -1): oldTMS = newTMS; oldTMS = json.remove( newTMS, abs( idxMS ) )]

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