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Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.34

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:13 pm
by Veggiesama
When you load MapTool, set Max Mem 1024, Min Mem 1024, and Stack Size 10.
Preview Screenshot

New players: Download the latest version, and start here.


Current Version: 2.34 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (req. MT 1.3.b74+)

Separate links: (Campaign framework), (Campaign properties), (Lib:Veg token)

Version: 2.33 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (req. MT 1.3.b74+)
Separate links: (Campaign framework), (Campaign properties), (Lib:Veg token)

Version: 2.32 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (req. MT 1.3.b74+)
Separate links: (Campaign framework), (Lib:Veg token)

Version: 2.31 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (req. MT 1.3.b74+)
Separate links: (Campaign framework), (Lib:Veg token)

Version: 2.3 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (req. MT 1.3.b74+)
Separate links: (Campaign framework), (Campaign properties), (Lib:Veg token), (PC token), (NPC Token), (PC Macro Set), (NPC Macro Set)

Version: 2.1 -- DOWNLOAD HERE (or try Version 2.1.5) (req. MT 1.3.b55+)
Separate links: (Campaign properties), (Lib:Veg token), (PC token), (NPC token)

A changelog can be found on the last post of this thread, starting here.


How to update from a previous version of my framework
-- 2.33 to 2.34
Campaign properties: Go to Edit|Campaign Properties. In the bottom-left of that window, click Import. Locate Veg2.34_CampaignProps.mtprops. Click OK.
Lib token: Open your current campaign file and locate the ferret token named Lib:Veg. Take a note of its token properties, especially the ones you have changed for your game. Now delete the token. Drag the new token file Veg2.34_LibraryToken.rptok onto the map. Save the campaign, restart MapTool, and reload the campaign.
Player & NPC tokens: No updates necessary.

-- 2.32 to 2.33
Campaign properties: Go to Edit|Campaign Properties. In the bottom-left of that window, click Import. Locate Veg2.33_CampaignProps.mtprops. Click OK.
Lib token: Open your current campaign file and locate the ferret token named Lib:Veg. Take a note of its token properties, especially the ones you have changed for your game. Now delete the token. Drag the new token file Veg2.33_LibraryToken.rptok onto the map. Save the campaign, restart MapTool, and reload the campaign.
Player & NPC tokens: No updates necessary.
Save the campaign, restart MapTool, and reload the campaign.
-- 2.31 to 2.32
As below, but you only need to replace the Lib:Veg token.
-- 2.3 to 2.31
As below, but you only need to replace the Lib:Veg token.
-- 2.1 (or 2.1.5) to 2.3
Download the .zip file and extract it somewhere.
Campaign properties: Go to Edit|Campaign Properties. In the bottom-left of that window, click Import. Locate Veg2.3_CampaignProps.mtprops. Click OK.
Lib token: Open your current campaign file and locate the ferret token named Lib:Veg. Take a note of its token properties, especially the ones you have changed for your game. Now delete the token. Drag the new token file Veg2.3_LibraryToken.rptok onto the map. Save the campaign, restart MapTool, and reload the campaign.
Player & NPC tokens: Read the important update notes here.
-- 2.0 to 2.1
Download each separate file rather than the campaign file.
Campaign properties: Go to Edit|Campaign Properties. In the bottom-left of that window, click Import. Locate Veg2.1_CampaignProps.mtprops. Click OK.
Lib token: Open your current campaign file and locate the ferret token named Lib:Veg. Take a note of its token properties, especially the ones you have changed for your game. Now delete the token. Drag the new token file Veg2.1_LibraryToken.rptok onto the map.
Player tokens: No changes. Load and recreate your power macros if you want to use new features.
NPC tokens: No changes. Load and recreate your power macros if you want to use new features.
(1.6 and below users: you will have to remake previous PC and NPC tokens. I'm sorry, but practically nothing is compatible. There have been some huge rewrites to how things work, hopefully for the better. I recommend starting from the new campaign file. The following is for people upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1 or higher, whenever that comes out.)

Help! I am getting a stack overflow error with lots of repetitions, supplemental powers, etc.
Increase your Stack Size when you first run MapToolLauncher.exe to at least 10. It seems to work for me up until about 16, and after that I run into more error messages. 10 seems to be the sweet spot for most people.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:58 am
by Veggiesama
Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to the Framework
  2. Custom Campaign Properties
  3. Light Sources
  4. Custom Code
  5. Custom Target
  6. Custom Code Functions
  7. Misc Variables
  8. Merging my framework with an existing framework
  9. Recommended Drop-In Resources
  10. Change log (beginning)
What is a framework?

A framework is a collection of macros, tokens, icons, and other things that help you play a specific campaign setting in MapTool. My framework helps you play Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. I want my framework to be intuitive, powerful, and visually appealing. Ultimately, I hope it can improve your game.

How to load my framework:

Download the zip file and extract it somewhere. Navigate to your MapTool folder. Double-click on "MapToolLauncher.exe". Make sure the Stack Size is at least 10 (NOTE: if you run into "stack overflow" errors, set this to a higher number). Press OK. Go to File | Load Campaign, and find the campaign file (Veg2.X_Framework.cmpgn) you extracted from the Now you should see at least four tokens: a hero, a monster, a torch, and a ferret. There are other sample tokens you can preview too.

If you use the Webstart, also make sure the stack size is set to at least 10.

If you use Linux (or the Windows .bat file), you will have to manually edit "Launch" (or "Launch MapTool-*.bat" on Windows). Change -Xss512K to -Xss10M and run it. Keep in mind that if you update MapTool, don't override this file.

If you use a Mac, you will have to make sure "LaunchMapTool-OSX.command" has a line that reads STACKSZ="10m".
Mac users: The above sentence might be out of date. See mystara's post here for the proper way to modify the stack size.

How to Create a Player Character:

1. Click on the Player Character token and press Ctrl+C to copy it. With your mouse hovering over the map, press Ctrl+V to paste a new copy of that token. It will probably be named "Player Character 1". Double-click it to open the token properties.

2. Change your token's name. You can also drag an image file (from a Windows folder, a website, or TokenTool) onto the picture of the hero to change your token picture. If you want an image from your resource library, press the little green + to change select one. Press OK.

3. When you click on your token, you'll see a number of colorful macro buttons in the Selection panel. Scroll down to the box labeled "Setup" and click the blue button called "Character sheet."

4. Enter your character's information on each tab. READ THE NOTES! Most of the time, you won't have to enter level or ability bonuses at all. That makes leveling up a lot easier. The Misc tab is used for advanced purposes, so don't worry about it now. Press OK when you're done.

5. Now click on the other blue button called "Weapons / Implements." Select "Edit Weapons/Implements" and press OK. Select "Add New Weapon" and press OK. Do this for each weapon or implement your character has.

6. After you're done creating your weapons, click the same "Weapons / Implements" button, but now use "Equp Weapons." You can hold a main-hand, off-hand, and two implements. Press OK and you'll be equipped. You can verify what you have equipped if you hover over your token and look at the pop-up sheet.

7. Press the pink macro labeled "Rest" (it's under Tools) to get yourself to full HPs.

7. Now you might want to delete some of those other powers taking up space. Maybe you don't like Bull Rush and never plan on using it in a million years. Simply click "Delete a Power Macro" and select each power you want to delete.

8. Right-click your token, and click Save. Put it in a place where you'll remember it.

9. See that strange, ferret-looking token named "Lib:Veg"? That's the library token. It needs to go everywhere your token goes, or your macros won't work. If you have to update, delete the ferret and replace it with a new ferret. Your GM needs to have only 1 copy of this token loaded somewhere in his campaign.

10. You're done. Play with some of the buttons, or move onto How to Create a Power Macro.

How to Create a Monster:

1. GMs have it much easier. You do have to edit a character sheet, though it looks a little different. You don't have to edit weapons, because a monster's stats, attack rolls, and damage dice remain static.

2. After you fill in the character sheet, press "Rest." Now you're ready to create powers.

How to Create a Power Macro:
1. Click on either your token (either a PC or NPC), and look at all of the colorful macro buttons on the Selection dialog. Under "Setup" click "Create a Power Macro." (Alternatively, you might want to press "Load a Power Macro" and then load the blank power template. When you create, you are actually looking at the most recently saved power).

2. Enter in the details exactly as they appear in the PHB or other source. The onscreen help should be enough to guide you. Most options are completely optional, especially Execution, Custom Code, and Miscellaneous Options.

3. When you're done, press OK and the macro will appear in the "-Powers" group at the top of the macro list. Click it to test it out.

4. A new dialog will pop up, asking for any temporary attack and damage modifiers (do you have combat advantage? is an allied warlord granting you bonus damage?). Next you set how many times you should repeat the attack roll (these repetitions are useful for anyone with AOE attacks). Finally, you can set a critical threshold. If your power has a secondary attack, you'll have two sets of modifiers to work with.

5. CHECK YOUR WORK! Roll the macro a few times, mouse-over the die rolls, and make sure everything is adding up correctly. The last thing you want is to be called out in-game for messing something up!

6. If you have any adjustments to make, click "Load a Power", then select the power you want to edit. All of your previous information will be recalled.

Picture of my recommended layout for the framework

I want to thank, trevor, Craig, jay, and others for the excellent tutorials and function lists. PyroMancer2k has done some great work with his fully-managed token, AidyBaby drew some beautiful token states, and TK has created a good campaign properties primer. Dorpond even wrote some light properties that I found useful. Thanks Farmer-Senship for helping me test, and Rumble (and other forum goons) for answering my newbish questions. Also Zalarian for working on the DN/Veg Hybrid framework. I've modified, borrowed, and outright stole some things for this campaign file without permission--if I forgot to credit someone, I apologize, and if you would like me to remove something of yours, I can oblige. Thanks all.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:02 am
by Veggiesama
Custom Campaign Properties
On the Lib:Veg token, you will find many customizable properties to make your game more personal. For instance, you could turn NPC health bars off, make NPC powers secret and unclickable, kill NPCs immediately when they hit 0 HP, have all players start with 2 action points per day, and more.

To begin, double-click the Lib:Veg token (the ferret). Go to the Properties tab. You can change anything under the Customizable header. Type 1 for "true" and 0 for "false".

ATTACKS_COMPARED_TO_PC_DEFENSES: Show whether attacks hit/miss against a PC's defenses. Doesn't actually subtract hit points, because that would require some kind of logic for resistances and temporary defense bonuses/penalties. Default 1 to speed up gameplay.
ATTACKS_COMPARED_TO_NPC_DEFENSES: Same as above, except against an NPC's defenses. Default 0, since I think GMs should have the final word.
NPC_POWERNAMES_ARE_SECRET: Hides the name of NPC powers from players. The description of the power can't be clicked on either. Default 0.
NPC_POWERS_ARE_SECRET: Hides the macroLink on the name of an NPC's power, so players can't read a description of it. GMs can always read an NPC power's description by mousing over the macro button to get the tooltip. Default 0.
NPC_ROLL_TOOLTIPS_ARE_SECRET: Hides the tooltip for attack/damage rolls, so no one can see the breakdown of attack/damage bonuses, including temporary bonuses. Allows GMs to fudge in real-time, and players are none-the-wiser! Default 0.
MILESTONE_ACTION_POINTS: Default number of action points a player receives each milestone. Default 1.
MILESTONE_DAILY_ITEMS: Default number of daily magic item uses a player receives each milestone. Default 1.
MILESTONE_HEALING_SURGES: Default number of healing surges a player receives each milestone (based on a house rule I once used). Default 0.
EXTENDED_REST_ACTION_POINTS: Number of action points a player starts with at the end of a rest. Default 1.
EXTENDED_REST_DAILY_ITEMS_HEROIC: Number of daily magic item uses a player starts with every day. Default 1.
EXTENDED_REST_DAILY_ITEMS_PARAGON: As above, but for paragon tier players. Default 2.
EXTENDED_REST_DAILY_ITEMS_EPIC: As above, but for epic tier players. Default 3.
NPCS_DIE_AT_0_HP: Usually takes -(Bloodied) HP to kill an NPC. This option kills off NPCs at 0 HP. Default 0.
SHOW_NPC_HEALTHBAR: Show Health bars for NPCs. Secretive GMs might like hiding this. Default 1.
SHOW_NPC_SURGEBAR: Show Surge bars for NPCs. Default 0, since they only have 1-3 surges anyway.
SHOW_PC_HEALTHBAR: Show Health bars for PCs. Default 1.
SHOW_PC_SURGEBAR: Show Surge bars for PCs. Default 1.
SHOW_BLOODIED_BLUR: Show a blurry red smear state when characters become bloodied. Default 1.
SHOW_BLOODIED_ICON: Show a blood drop grid-icon state when characters become bloodied. Default 1.
TOOLTIP_BIG_FONT_SIZE: Font size for each subtotal in tooltip roll breakdowns. Default 5.
TOOLTIP_BIGGER_FONT_SIZE: Font size for final total in tooltip roll breakdowns. Default 6.
TARGET_SELECTION_IMAGE_SIZE: Pixel size of target selections in the chatroom. Default 15.
DISABLE_CUSTOM_CODE_IN_POWERS: Disables all custom code from executing or displaying. Custom Code allows all players to write their own Trusted macros, which means they can do just about anything through MapTool's scripting language. You should always play with people you trust, but this option is here for one-shot games and suspected cheaters. Default 0.

If you have any suggestions you'd like to see here, ask me, and I'll see what i can do!

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:02 am
by Veggiesama
Light sources
Not every dungeon is completely dark, so sometimes you want to fill it with passive light. This light might be dim or bright. Bright light shows the terrain beneath it, while dim light casts an indigo color (a good shadow substitute) over the terrain. If a player carries a torch (bright light) into a dimly lit dungeon, the bright light will overlap the dim light.

Remind your players that creatures standing in dim light (aka shadowy indigo) have concealment. Simple as that.

I provided a custom light source token on the Hidden layer. Use its provided macros to fill your maps with light. Once you are happy with the radius and type of light, simply copy & paste the token into each room or hallway that you want lit.

I like hiding the token because having a torch token every 5 squares is distracting to players. If you wish to show the light source to players, then swap the picture for something more to your liking and move the token to the Token layer.

For more information, go here: Introduction to Lights and Sights

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:03 am
by Veggiesama
Custom Code
When you create a power, there is a tab for Custom Code. When check "Use Custom Code" and execute the macro, the "Custom Code" field will be evaluated just like any other MapTool script and displayed after the attack/damage rolls.

You don't have to put actual code in this field. If you grant a +2 bonus on your ally's next attack, simply type "My ally gets a +2 on your next attack" here (see Custom Target below). One way of using Custom Code (or Short Description) is a place to put short-hand for what your powers do.

However, the power of Custom Code comes from using MapTool script. With it, you can access token properties, make dice rolls, perform math, or do anything MapTool's script lets you do. For example, your power's Effect might slide an enemy a number of squares equal to your character's Charisma bonus, while you gain 1d6 hit points. How do you show that? Copy the following into your "Custom Code" field:

Code: Select all

I also slide my enemy [ChaBonus] squares.
If your Charisma is 16, you might see this when you click the macro power:

Code: Select all

(1) Pirate		Rolled 12 vs. AC		4 damage
 I also slide my enemy « ChaBonus = 3 » squares.
For a self-healing power, you could type the following into Custom Code. The T: roll option hides the math in a mouse-over tooltip.

Code: Select all

I spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 HP. I regain [T: SurgeValue + 1d6] HP.
One note, however: do NOT use double-quotes (") in the Custom Code or the power will fail to execute. Stick to single quotes (') if you need to create a string or access a macro.

A list of some useful token properties is provided on the Custom Code tab, but all properties and their current values can be found by double-clicking any PC or NPC token. More info can be found here: Introduction to Properties

As of v2.3, Custom Rest Code has been introduced. It works exactly like regular Custom Code, except it executes when you click the "Rest" macro and after the rest takes place. One code box works only for short rests, while the other works for extended rests. Certain character builds or house rules might require you to edit this field, but most characters can ignore Custom Rest Code.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:05 am
by Veggiesama
Custom Target (new!)
Under the Custom Code tab of "Create a Power Macro", you will find a checkbox for "Has Target?". If you have this box and "Use Custom Code" checked, you will be allowed to select an additional target for your macro. You will not make an attack or damage roll against this target. Instead, the text for "Custom Code" will be shown to the right of your target's token picture and name.

For example, you might have a power that attacks one enemy and heals one ally. Create the attack normally, then check "Use Custom Code" and "Has Target?". In the Custom Code textbox, you write "The target can spend one healing surge."

When you execute that attack, you will be able to select Primary #1 (an enemy) and Custom Target (your ally).

More advanced users might be happy to know that the Custom Code description has access to your target's token id, which is stored in a variable called CUSTOM_TARGET. For instance, to automatically apply the Bonus (+2) state to your custom target, type this into "Custom Code":

Code: Select all

Target gains a +2 bonus. [H, TOKEN(CUSTOM_TARGET): setState('Bonus (+2)', 1)]

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:05 am
by Veggiesama
Custom Code functions (new!)
As of v2.3, I have added a number of user-defined functions for players using Custom Code in their macros. There aren't too many now, and yes, they could be more full-featured. I don't suspect many people will be using these, but I would be happy to take requests.

changeHP(hpChange, surgeLoss, tempHPGain, isTempHPStackable): add hpChange (number, positive for healing or negative for damage) to your CurrentHP, lose surgeLoss (number) healing surges, gain tempHPGain (number) temporary hit points. There is also isTempHPStackable (0 for false, 1 for true), which I believe is no longer used in official D&D rules after the Fighter build power was changed, but it's still there anyway. Keep it at 0.

Code: Select all

Heal 15 HP and remove one healing surge: [R: changehp(15, 1, 0, 0)]
Suffer 25 damage: [R: changeHP(-25, 0, 0, 0)]
Add +4 temp HP: [R: changeHP(0, 0, 4, 0)]
usePetPower(petName, petPowerName): from the petName (string) token, activate the petPowerName (string) power

Code: Select all

[R: petPower('Scruffy', 'Basic Attack (Melee)')]
refreshPower(powerName): refresh an encounter, daily, or rechargeable power with the name powerName (string)

Code: Select all

Spending an action point to refresh a power: [R: refreshPower('Bling-bling Blaster')]
refreshMiscVar(miscVarNumber): resets a MiscVar number miscVarNumber (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) back to the original value set in its character sheet

Code: Select all

Restoring my Lay on Hands usages, which is stored on the Misc9 property: [R: refreshMiscVar(9)]
spendAP(): subtract 1 action point
spendDailyItem(): subtract 1 of your daily magic item power uses
swapEquipment(): activate the equip weapon/implement dialog

rollSkillCheck(skillName), rollAbilityCheck(abilityName), rollSavingThrow(): activate the skill, ability, and saving throw dialogs
getAC(), getFortitude(), getReflex(), getWill(): returns value of specified defense, including all modifiers

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:05 am
by Veggiesama
Misc Variables
You can access your Misc variables on the character sheet.

Sometimes it's useful to have a couple extra variables for players to use for whatever they want. The Misc variables are for that purpose. You might use Misc variables for your Sneak Attack damage roll, for your character's elevation, for your character's gold pieces, whatever.

For example, the HQ Damage macro on the halfling ranger sample PC deals the bonus damage portion of Hunter's Quarry. If you look at the Custom Code for HQ Damage, it says Deals +[T: Misc9] extra damage. If you look on the Misc tab of the character's character sheet, you will find that Misc9 is equal to "1d6". When the halfling reaches level 11 and Hunter's Quarry improves, the player simply needs to go to the Misc tab and change Misc9 from 1d6 to 2d6. All macros that incorporate Misc9 will then use the new value appropriately.

You can also use Misc variables to track your own information. For instance, you might use Misc1 represent your paladin's maximum Lay on Hands usages (let's set it to 6 on your character sheet). Now click the "My note" macro and enter the following code to have your Misc variables show up on your stat sheet (be careful, a typo is bad news on the stat sheet):

Code: Select all

Remaining Lay on Hands usages: {Misc1}
Create a new power macro called "Lay on Hands". Somewhere in the Custom Code, paste this:

Code: Select all

[H: Misc1 = Misc1 - 1]
Now whenever you use Lay on Hands, your remaining uses will be deducted by one and updated on your stat sheet.

What about when you rest? Very simple: click Rest, then enter [R: refreshMiscVar(1)] into the Custom Extended Rest Code field. Your remaining uses will refresh back to the original value you set, which was 6.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:06 am
by Veggiesama
Merging my framework with an existing campaign file
I recommend that you start with a fresh campaign file. However, if you are already in an ongoing game with an established campaign file, you might want to test-drive this framework with a few PCs or monsters. Alternatively, you may love my framework so much that you want to bring it with you to every campaign you play (also, you are adorable). Fear not! I can help.

1. Convince the DM to allow it. Emphasize that it will be a painless merge, because you will do it yourself (that's why you're reading this, right?). Don't be pushy. If all goes well, you may even win over the DM!

2. Ask the DM to send you a copy of the campaign properties. To get those, the DM must go to Edit | Campaign Properties and then click Export.

3. Start a fresh, new campaign. We'll use this as the merged campaign. Import the DM's campaign properties and press OK.

4. Load another instance of MapTool, then load the my framework's campaign file. We need 2 copies of MapTool open now, because you will have to copy some things from my campaign to your merged campaign.

5. In my campaign, go to Edit | Campaign Properties. Under Token Type, click Library (VEG). The right window will fill up with text. Click somewhere in there, and press CTRL+A to select all, then CTRL+C to copy it. Go to the Campaign Properties of your merged campaign. You may see a few token types that your DM made, but ignore those. Click the New button and type Library (VEG). Click on the right window and press CTRL+V to paste all of that text. Press Update.

6. Repeat this process for Monster (VEG) and Player (VEG). When you are done, press OK.

7. Download the latest copies of my Library and Player tokens. Drag one of each into merged campaign.

8. Double-click on Lib:Veg and look at its Properties. Scroll down to ---|CAMPAIGN|---. You will need to change many of these fields to match up with your DM's states, lights, and bars. If the DM lacks a necessary field, you will have to make it yourself. Go to Edit | Campaign Properties, then States to view/edit/add these.

8 (ALTERNATIVE). If your DM doesn't have many states, lights, and bars, and doesn't mind my campaign's large collection of them, then you might want to repeat the tutorial, except this time copy the DM's token properties into my campaign framework file. Because you cannot (at the time of this writing) import/export individual states, adding a bunch of new states is a royal pain in the bunny-ears.

9. Each STATES_* variable is a string list that holds the names of the campaign's states (in a string list, each entry is separated by a comma). If your DM has state called "Blue Mark", simply type "Blue Mark" into STATES_MARKED. You can see and test your progress with the My States macro button. It is OK to leave some as an empty string ("").

10. The STATE_* variables are a little trickier. You need to have a single state name defined for each of these. Use what your DM has already created. If nothing exists for what you need, then make a new state and put its name here. You can see and test your progress by subtracting HP, making death saving throws, and resting.

NOTE: STATE_BLOODIED_ICON and STATE_BLOODIED_BLUR can both be set to the same thing if you choose.
NOTE: STATE_KNOCKEDOUT is essentially Unconscious. I use "KnockedOut" because I wanted to differentiate between power-induced unconsciousness (like the Sleep spell) and being reduced to 0 HP.
NOTE: STATE_1ST_DEATHSAVE and STATE_2ND_DEATHSAVE are required if you want to tally death saving throws accurately.

11. The LIGHTS_* variables are easy. Simply list all of the lights and auras that your campaign uses.

12. LIGHT_SELFONLY is used for the Where am I? macro. It is a 0.5-square light source that helps players avoid losing their tokens in soft fog.

13. HEALTH_BAR and SURGE_BAR correspond to the names of the campaign's bars. MapTool comes default with "Health", so your DM probably uses that. You may need to create a Surge bar, however.

14. Start creating your token. Go through the macros to make sure everything works (and post here if you find something that doesn't work!). When you are ready, save your token, save the Library token, and export the Campaign Properties.

15. Send all three files to your DM. Tell your DM to import the Campaign Properties into the main campaign (make sure the DM saves a backup!). Since you didn't delete any of the DM's stuff, there should be no compatibility issues. After that, the DM must drop the updated Lib:Veg file into the campaign somewhere, as well as your token.

16. That should be everything. Good luck.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:06 am
by Veggiesama
Recommended Drop-In Resources
These tools take care of a few things my framework doesn't address, such as inventory and token handouts. They are completely optional but also unsupported. Read the posts carefully for installation instructions and ask the creator if you run into any problems.

Plo's Inventory Manager: Gives players full control of their characters' inventory, containers, item weights, and money. Versatile.
Plo's Message Manager: Allows GMs to store and send canned descriptions to any number of players. Simple but powerful.
Rumble's SpeakForMe: Allows GMs to speak as multiple tokens without having to constantly impersonate each one. Eliminates tedium.
Lindsay's Generic Tools: Several tools that make whispering, moving tokens between maps, and showing handouts easier for GMs and players. Comprehensive.

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:08 am
by Veggiesama

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:09 am
by Veggiesama

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:10 am
by Veggiesama

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:12 am
by Veggiesama
- moved deleting powers out of the loading macro
- converted almost everything power-related to JSON objects (should make things run faster)
- decentralized the macro HTML spam, which is now dynamically generated when you execute
- you can right-click to edit a power macro, change the JSON object fields (easier than it sounds), and the PowerLibrary will remember the changes after the first execution
- Roll initiative macro now asks for a modifier, and automatically adds you to the list
- hp and healing surges have been broken apart in the character sheet
- overhauled how the power creator handles attacks/damage (no longer need to type variables), along with new options and checkboxes to make the power table look purdy
- overhauled how weapons/implements are handled (should be less clunky)
- macro buttons show tooltips that describe the power
- a macroLink frame displays the power when executed
- new and better tooltips for attacks and damage rolls
- refigured the color scheme for some power types
- keeps track of whether you expended an encounter, daily, or recharge power: white background means you have (but that will not prevent you from executing the power)
- new macro that rolls against your expended recharge powers to see if they're usable
- new macro for Short Rest (it even recommends how many healing surges you should spend to get back to full!)
- new macro for quicker whispering of players/GM
- cleaned up the output of many macros to remove extraneous information ("0 temp hp", etc.)
- targeting support for textboxes and selection boxes (with icons!)
- rewrote rollAbilityCheck and rollSkillCheck to use JSON, as well as prettier output
- simplified light sources and added a few aura lights
- added light source / aura selection macro
- overhauled the HP gain/loss macros
- removed some unnecessary monster stats (XP, aura radius)
- lined up the macro buttons (may the complaints start in 3, 2, 1...)
- fixed tokenNote to finally track Misc variables
- fixed weapon tempJSON bug (oops)
- macros look marginally better now without Inline Tooltips (still need to fix some more)
- works with MapTool b54, yaaay
- weapons/implements now have a description field
- split up defenses on the character sheet into class, feat, etc.
- defenses can receive alternative ability bonuses (e.g., +CON to AC for Wardens)
- reorganized the power creator yet again, more help lines
- executing a power macro now checks if button variables (e.g., group or sort prefix) match up to the PowerLibrary version of the power, and if they don't, then it fixes them (not very elegantly, I'm afraid)
- fixed reversed damage bonus in the HTML power cards
- Custom Code now recognizes inline []'s and evaluates them.
- removed Custom Code Description, since you can now type text into Custom Code
- added a blank power template for both PCs and NPCs under Load a Power
- changed "roll dmg once (AOE?)" into "multiple dmg rolls", so it wasn't a floating checkmark
- reformatted weapon damage rolls (1d10x3 now becomes 3[1d10], which is more similar to 3[W])
- now saving font sizes, added more min width options
- fixed bug: damage type wasn't showing up in HTML attack description
- new headings for executed powers that can show power usage by color and whether or not it was expended (inverse color scheme)
- lots of new options added to the Lib:Veg's property list, such as NPC_POWERS_ARE_SECRET and DEFAULT_EXTENDED_REST_ACTION_POINTS. Set these to 1 for true, 0 for false, or sometimes just a #.
- fixed bug: failed death saves now removed by a short rest.
- added "display flavor text" to force the flavor text into the chat.
- added some checks to make sure AppendAttack and AppendHit have a leading period, comma, or space (prevents smushing text).
- added a new "Set target's states" macro, which lets all players change states of all enemies (good for marking).
- decreased tooltip font size (you can even customize it now)
- changed some of the included states
- added a "Setup lights & auras" macro for quickly swapping, well, lights and auras.
- saving throws now ask you for an optional token state, which is removed on a success
- every target you choose (both textbox/selections) is now remembered on your token
- max damage bonus can now recognize string forms of numbers (like "6+6+5" instead of just 17)
- reorganized macros... again
- added "reset token", mostly for my purposes, but will help with updates too
- fix bug: charisma wasn't showing up in ability checks
- fix bug: custom target prompted when power does not have custom targets
- added: crit thresholds for powers and weapons, automatically arbitrating which is lower
- added: unarmed attack if you don't have an item equipped
- added: tooltips now tell you what weapon you're using for the attack/dmg
- cleaned up hpSet, remembering last hpGain, shows your healing surge value on hpGain
- fix bug: removed bgcolor attribute from all tables (that I could find)
- fix bug: HP bar was only decreasing/increasing in increments of 1/10, for some reason
- added: show pc/npc health/surge bars (optional campaign settings)
- added: "npcs die at 0 HP" (optional campaign setting)
- added: show bloodied blur/icon (optional campaign settings)
- added: target selection image size in chat can be resized (campaign setting)
- you can now choose "unspecified" as a selection target

Re: Veggiesama's Framework (D&D 4e) -- Download v2.33

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:13 am
by Veggiesama
- fixbug: Strength not being added to fort, ref, or will defenses
- fixbug: Intelligence now used for Religion checks, not Wisdom
- fixbug: quick whisper to a person with a space in their name
- added: LastPower to "Load a Macro" list (trying to make this more intuitive)
- added: Squeezing and Stabilized to the Other list of states
- added: four new Misc Marked states (good for PHB2 characters)
- made the campaign more merge-friendly
- fixbug: execution display issues with secondary/tertiary attacks
- added: each attack of a power can automatically set a state on target
- split the PC and NPC tokens into blank tokens and example characters.