Useful cross game macros?

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Cave Troll
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Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:38 pm

Useful cross game macros?

Post by Beowulfe »

Ok, I am trying to gather up all the useful little macros people have done that do not matter which game system you are playing. For example, I found Fast Whisper and a Where's My Token macros in one of the DnD campaign files. Anybody else got any ones like that they wanna share? These were done by Veggiesama

Here's the code for these two:

In your lib token put the following macros
[H: goto(currentToken())]

[H: LIGHT_SELFONLY = getLibProperty("LIGHT_SELFONLY", "Lib:Veg")]
[H: evalStr = if(isPC(), 'setLight("Dims", LIGHT_SELFONLY, 1)', 'true')]
[H: eval(evalStr)]

[H: playerList = getAllPlayerNames()]

[H: status = input(
"txtMessage | msg | Message",
"player | " + playerList + " | Choose | RADIO | VALUE=STRING"
[H: abort(status)]

{'"' + player + '"' + ' ' + txtMessage}

Then add these macros to the tokens
Fast whisper
/w [MACRO("whisperPlayers@Lib:gm"):""]

Where's My Token
/self [MACRO("centerOnToken@Lib:gm"):""]

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