Basic to General Macro Creation Tutorial

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Cave Troll
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Basic to General Macro Creation Tutorial

Post by Dedric »

This will be a full and detailed explanation of creating general macros for Map tools. If you want quick drag and drop macros see this thread

This will be a general Macro Tutorial for Map Tool 1.3.b40

Ok, now with that out of the way let's dive in shall we.
I'll begin with the most basic macro and work it into a more complex macro.

Step 1: The basic macro:
Let's assume that we are making a Basic Attack Macro.
On the top of the screen you see the tab for windows, turn impersonate "on" if it's not already.
Highlight your token and click on impersonate.
Right click in that impersonate window and "Add New Macro"
In the top Field Name it Basic Attack
In the bottom type Attack: [1d20]
Impersonate the token again so the new macro updates itself.

Click on the Basic Attack Macro you just made.
ooooo nice roll!

Alright well that's the most basic macro you can make. But if your reading this far I'll bet you want more.

Step2: Mods
Now is where you talk to your DM or if you are the DM you define your campaign properties. To preset bonuses to allow your tokens to run well with little maintenance to the macro itself.

For this example we'll use the following:

Just to to your campaign properties in the edit tab
Click on basic and insert the above bonuses and Update

Now double click on your token and go to the properties tab
scroll down to the bottom, hey look there they are.
In the fields to the right of the Mods insert the mods
StrBonus 3
MagicBonus 2
FeatBonus 1

Once you added the above click on Ok

Now let's to back to the macro we made before
Right click on it and select Edit Macro.

Now let's change that Attack: [1d20]
And let's change that to Attack: [1d20+StrBonus+MagicBonus+FeatBonus]
Select ok to accept the changes and impersonate it again to update your changes.

Now Click on the Basic Attack.
As you can see the macro looks up the values you previously defined in your token properties and adds them you your roll.
You can add or edit the campaign properties to add more to your macro if you so desire or require.
In addition you only have to update your token properties to make changes to your rolls, so as you level and you get more bonuses you edit the token properties to reflect it. The only time you have to change your macro is if you have to add a new property to it.

Step3: Starting to Get Complex
Now in the Basic Attack Macro you just made let's toss in your damage so if you hit your damage is already calculated for you.

Now Map Tool is HTML friendly which makes it much easier.
so let's reopen the macro and add a line break after it.

Attack: [1d20+StrBonus+MagicBonus+FeatBonus]

Now to add the Damage roll, and the end line break HTML code. Any good coder always adds the closing tag(s).

Attack: [1d20+StrBonus+MagicBonus+FeatBonus]
Damage: [1d10+Strbonus]

click ok again and yup impersonate it again and click your macro.

Now you can see both an attack and damage roll.

Step3: Let's Wreck That Brain!
Let's add 2 more property to Map Tool
Let's call them Weapon1Damage and Attack1
Who knows later on you may have more than 1 weapon so this helps designate what weapon damage your doing now rather than redefining everything later. It's always easier to build up than down, so creating your values as a "base" works far better than having to adjust your macro 100 times.

In the Token Properties let's add {1d10+StrBonus} to the new damage property you created, and {1d20+StrBonus+MagicBonus+FeatBonus}

Did you see that I'm not using the [] anymore I'm using the {} in the Token Properties. Unfortunately rolling this way is a bit more blind that before but it adds allot more to what you can do. You'll see more as we progress.

Now let's got back into that macro and adjust it a bit.
Attack: {Attack1}
Damage: {Weapon1Damage}

Click ok, impersonate it, and hit the macro again
As you can see you only get a value instead of a full view of what your rolling, this is both helpful and hurtful. It helps as it allows everyone to read easier, but it hurts as you can't actually see your rolls and bonuses to check it for mistakes.

You can add flavor text as you want as well. But it works much easier in a HTML table format.
<table> - Opens a table
<tr> - starts a table row
<td> - opens a table column
</td> - closes the table column
</tr> - closes the table row
</table> - Closes the table

That should be enough to get you going but for more info on tables just Google it, lots of places to help you learn how you can manipulate tables.

So I'm not having to do a full tutorial on tables just use the above and put in what you want between <td> </td> and your macro after the </table>

What you have now is a good general background on creating a macro.

If you want to get more complex feel free to look around RP Tool many of us are more than willing to help as much as we can, and in no time you'll be doing stuff like this below.

Code: Select all

<tr><td><b>Bait and Switch</b>  Encounter Power</td></tr>
<font>Attack vs AC:</b></font> <font>{DieRoll+DexBonus+Weapon1Bonus+Weapon2Bonus+EnhancementBonus+LevelBonus} {if(DieRoll>19,"<b><i>Critical Hit!</i></b>","")}
<br><b>Combat Advantage with Dagger:</b> +3 to attack</br>
<b>Effect:</b>You switch places with the target and can then shift 1 square.

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