json.type() is behaviouring differently in one script.

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json.type() is behaviouring differently in one script.

Post by killerbee1577 »

Looking at the wiki link https://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/json.type It seems simple to understand; json.type() checks a data structure to be either "ARRAY", "OBJECT" and if it's not either of those two it's "UNKNOWN", outputing the type I have quotationed. And it does, except for the main script I need it to do this in. For whatever reason it produces a "1" instead of "ARRAY".

Context for this snipit(pusudo code): takes the existing inventory Array and extrapolatethe the item name and the range for each item.
(4th line of code is being used for troubleshooting, why i know that testing range equals 1) Then, test range's data-type and if it is an array the code will create a maximum and minimum value based off of the ranges 0 and 1 indexs.

Code: Select all

[foreach(item,inventory_list,""), CODE:{
	[h: name = json.get(item,0)]
	[h: range = json.get(item,11)]
	[h: setLibProperty("nothing",json.type(range) == "ARRAY","Lib:LibDummy")]
	[r, if(json.type(range) == "ARRAY"), CODE:
		not_used_range = json.get(range,0)
		range = json.get(range,0)
		min_range = json.get(not_used_range,0)
		max_range = json.get(not_used_range,1)
	};{setLibProperty("nothing","Not array","Lib:LibDummy")}]
	[r,if(isNumber(range)):range = number(range);range = 0]
	[h,if(json.get(item,0) == name && json.get(item,1 ) == "Weapon"), CODE:{
		[h: item_count = item_count + 1]
		[inventory_name_list = json.append(inventory_name_list,name)]
		[h: attack_equipt = json.append(attack_equipt,item)]

Here is the full code for the script if anyone is bold enough to read through my terrible writtings. Thank you in advance for any insight and help you can provide.

Code: Select all

[h: STR=floor((Strength-10)/2)]
[h: DEX=floor((Dexterity-10)/2)]
[h: CON=floor((Constitution-10)/2)]
[h: INT=floor((intelligence-10)/2)]
[h: WIS=floor((Wisdom-10)/2)]
[h: CHA=floor((Charisma-10)/2)]

[h: WeaponName = "weaponname"]
[h: WeaponDamage = "1"]
[h: damage_type = "damagetype"]
[h: Ability = STR]
[h: min_range = 0]
[h: max_range = 0]
[h: "<----------------------------------------- Select Existing Inventory Item ------------------------------------------>"]
[h: attack_equipt = json.fromList("")]
[h: inventory_list = Inventory]
[h: inventory_name_list = json.fromList("")]
[h: new_inventory_list = json.fromList("")]
[h: delete_list_item_index = -1]
[h: item_count = 0]

[foreach(item,inventory_list,""), CODE:{
	[h: name = json.get(item,0)]
	[h: range = json.get(item,11)]
	[h: setLibProperty("nothing",json.type(range) == "ARRAY","Lib:LibDummy")]
	[r, if(json.type(range) == 1), CODE:
		not_used_range = json.get(range,0)
		range = json.get(range,0)
		min_range = json.get(not_used_range,0)
		max_range = json.get(not_used_range,1)
	};{setLibProperty("nothing","Not array","Lib:LibDummy")}]
	[r,if(isNumber(range)):range = number(range);range = 0]
	[h,if(json.get(item,0) == name && json.get(item,1 ) == "Weapon"), CODE:{
		[h: item_count = item_count + 1]
		[inventory_name_list = json.append(inventory_name_list,name)]
		[h: attack_equipt = json.append(attack_equipt,item)]
[h: attack_equipt = setProperty("AttackEquipt",attack_equipt)]

[h: take=input("selected_item|"+inventory_name_list+"|Choose Weapon|LIST|SELECT=0")]
[h: abort(take)]

[foreach(item,AttackEquipt,""), CODE:{
	[h: delete_list_item_index = delete_list_item_index + 1]

	[r,if(delete_list_item_index == selected_item), CODE:
		[h: WeaponName = json.get(item,0)]
		[h: WeaponDamage = json.get(item,4)]
		[h: damage_type = json.get(item,5)]
		[h: Ability = json.get(item,6)]
		[h: "-------------- Range in squares(1 = 5ft. 2 = 10ft. 3 = 15ft is right next to) -----------------"]
		[h:range = max_range]

	[r, if(selected_item == 0), CODE:
		[h: WeaponName = "Pebble"]
		[h: WeaponDamage = 1]
		[h: damage_type = "Bludgeoning"]
		[h: Ability = STR]

[h: "---------------------------------------------------- weapon atribute sorting ----------------------------------------------------"]

[h: WeaponDamage_test = strfind(WeaponDamage,",")]
[h: WeaponDamage_test = getFindCount(WeaponDamage_test)]
[r: WeaponName]

[h, if(WeaponDamage_test == 1), CODE:
	[h: x = input("two_hand|0|Are You Two Handing?|CHECK")]
	[h: abort(x)]
	[h, if(two_hand == 1):WeaponDamage = json.get(WeaponDamage,1);WeaponDamage = json.get(WeaponDamage,0)]

[h:WeaponDamage = "[r:"+WeaponDamage+"]"]
[h:WeaponDamage = json.evaluate(WeaponDamage)]
[h:WeaponDamage = json.get(WeaponDamage,0)]

[h, if(Ability == "Strength"): Ability = STR;""]
[h, if(Ability == "Dexterity"): Ability = DEX;""]
[h, if(Ability == "Constitution"): Ability = CON;""]
[h, if(Ability == "intelligence"): Ability = INT;""]
[h, if(Ability == "Wisdom"): Ability = WIS;""]
[h, if(Ability == "Charisma"): Ability = CHA;""]

[h: "<----------------------------------------- Selection based on auto sorted list- ----------------------------------------->"]

[h:macro_clicked = "Template Melee Attack"]

[h: token_list = getLibProperty("TokenCombatList", "Lib:Battle")]

[h:attack_selection = json.fromList("")]
[h:id_list = json.fromList("")]

[h: attacker = getSelected()]
[h: target_ac = ""]

[h,foreach(token_single, token_list), code:
	[h: id = json.get(token_single,0)]
	[h: name = json.get(token_single,2)]
	[h: image = json.get(token_single,1)]
	[h: show = name+image+id]
	[h: distance = getDistance(attacker, 0, id)]
	[h,if(distance <= range && id != attacker): attack_selection = json.append(attack_selection,show);""]
	[h: show = json.fromList(show)]
	[h,if(distance <= range && id != attacker): id_list = json.append(id_list, id)]

[h: continue_attack=input("junkVar|"+macro_clicked+"|Selected Power|LABEL",
"targetNum|"+attack_selection+"|Select Target|LIST|SELECT=0 ICON=TRUE ICONSIZE=70")]
[h: abort(continue_attack)]
[h: "<!- Selection based on auto sorted list- -->"]
[h:iteration = 0]
[h,foreach(token_single, id_list), code:
	[h,if(targetNum == iteration): target_id = json.get(id_list,iteration);""]
	[h:iteration = iteration + 1]
[h: "<----------------------------------------- Selection based on auto sorted list- ----------------------------------------->"]

[h,foreach(token_single, token_list), code:
	[h: unknown_target_id = json.get(token_single,0)]
	[h,if(unknown_target_id == target_id): target_ac = json.get(token_single,6);""]

[h:"-----------------HighLighting a single Token-----------------"]
[h:setHalo("Red", target_id)]

[h: show_distance = getDistance(attacker, 1, target_id)]]
[h:continue = input("junkVar|Target is: "+show_distance+"ft away|Selected Power|LABEL")]
[h,if(continue == 1): setHalo("None", target_id);setHalo("None", target_id)]

[h:setLibProperty("SingleTokenDamageId",target_id, "Lib:Battle")]

[h:"----------------------------------------------------------The First D20 Roll----------------------------------------------------------"]
[h: Dice1 = 1d20]
[h: Dice2 = 0]
[h: Dice3 = 0]
[h: Dice = Dice1]

[h:"------------------------------------------Calling AttackAided for aided macanic calculations------------------------------------------"]
[r,if(Aided != 0), CODE:{
	[h: Dice2 = getLibProperty("ThirdDiceResult","Lib:Attack")]
	[h: Dice2 = number(Dice2)]

	[h, if(Aided == 1 && Dice1 >= Dice2), CODE:
		[h: Dice = Dice1]
		[h: Dice3 = Dice2]
		[h:Aided = 0]
		[h: Dice = Dice2]	
		[h: Dice3 = Dice1]
		[h:Aided = 0]
	[h, if(Aided == -1 && Dice1 >= Dice2), CODE:
		[h: Dice = Dice2]	
		[h: Dice3 = Dice1]
		[h:Aided = 0]
		[h: Dice = Dice1]
		[h: Dice3 = Dice2]
		[h:Aided = 0]	

[h:"------------------------------------------Calling TargetDodge for Dodge macanic calculations------------------------------------------"]
[h: target_dodge = getProperty("Dodge",target_id)]
[r,if(target_dodge != 0), CODE:{
	[h: Dice2 = getLibProperty("ThirdDiceResult","Lib:Attack")]
	[h: Dice2 = number(Dice2)]

	[r, if(target_dodge == 1 && Dice1 >= Dice2), CODE:
		[r:"ran Dice = Dice2"]
		[h: Dice = Dice2]
		[h: Dice3 = Dice1]
		[r:"ran Dice = Dice1"]
		[h: Dice = Dice1]	
		[h: Dice3 = Dice2]




[h: CRIT = 1]
<!-->------ Only thing to change ------<-->

[h: AttackBonus = Ability + Proficiency_Bonus]
[h: CRIT = if(Dice == 20, 2,1)]
[h:setLibProperty("SingleTokenDamageValue",WeaponDamage + Ability, "Lib:Battle")]
[h: setLibProperty("Crit", CRIT,"Lib:Attack")]
[h: setLibProperty("AttackRoll", Dice,"Lib:Attack")]
[h: setLibProperty("AttackBonus", AttackBonus,"Lib:Attack")]
[h: setLibProperty("TargetAC", target_ac,"Lib:Attack")]
[h: setLibProperty("DamageRoll",WeaponDamage, "Lib:Attack")]
[h: setLibProperty("DamageBonus",Ability, "Lib:Attack")]
[h:setLibProperty("SingleTokenDamageType", damage_type, "Lib:Battle")]

[h: WeaponDamage = WeaponDamage * CRIT]

[r, if(Incapacitated == 0 && Dead == 0 && Petrified == 0 && Stunned == 0 && Unconscious_Normal == 0 && Unconscious_Dying == 0), CODE: {

   <!-- Output battle texts as long as Actions are > 0 and AttacksAvaliable is -->
   [r,if(AttacksAvaliable > 0 || Actions > 0 ), CODE:{
      <b>Roll 1</b>: [r:Dice] + [r:AttackBonus] = [r:Dice + AttackBonus] To Hit<br>
      [h:AttacksAvaliable = AttacksAvaliable - 1]
      [h:Actions = 0]
      "You Have No More Attacks Left"
   "Your Condition Prevents You from Attacking or No Targets in range"

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Re: json.type() is behaviouring differently in one script.

Post by aliasmask »

Code: Select all

json.type(range) == "ARRAY"
Will output 0 or 1, not ARRAY if equal.

I would probably also use a json object rather than an array. It looks like index 11 holds your range value, which is a bit convoluted. if item were an object, then you code would look like this

Code: Select all

[H: name = json.get(item,"name")]
[H: range = json.get(item,"range")]
In your bottom code, "json.type(range) == 1" will never be valid because it can only equal "ARRAY", "OBJECT" or "UNKNOWN" and never a number.

What is your goal. What kind of values can "range" hold?

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Re: json.type() is behaviouring differently in one script.

Post by killerbee1577 »

Of course it be a simple misunderstanding like that. Thank you very much for the clarafication. Also I have never used objects, but i'll look into using them instead, thanks again.

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