Apocalypse World framework question

MapTool campaign files that encapsulate properties, tokens, and macros for a particular ruleset or game world. "Framework" is often abbreviated "FW".

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Doktor Avalanche
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Apocalypse World framework question

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Apocalypse World is a simple story telling type rpg. Most of the stats are easy to set up. There is one I am having difficulty with though. Can anyone give me a pointer as to how to set up the Hx stat (should I define it under campaign properties or is each Hx a different variable under each token - it is but how do I set it up?).

Hx is: how well each character knows each other. And it is not equal for each character.

So Bob may know Tom well (On Bob's character sheet Hx (Tom)=3), but Tom may only know Bob marginally (On Tom's character sheet Hx (Bob)=1). So if there are five characters each character sheet will have four entries for the other four characters in the game.

Could anyone suggest how to set up the structure to make this work please? I currently have Hx defined as a campaign property but need some suffix for Tom's Hx with Bob and vice versa. Does that make sense? You can see my non-programming roots, as this is not complex. Hx does change as you go through the game.

Apocalypse world simple.cmpgn
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Re: Apocalypse World framework question

Post by CoveredInFish »

It sounds to me like a typical situation for a json.object. This is a data structure to store several key-value-pairs inside of a single property/variable.

You could set up a single cmpgn property "Hx" and store everything there.

Code: Select all

<!-- set -->
[h: Hx = json.set("", "Jim", 3, "Bob", 2)]

<!-- get -->
Hx(Bob) = [r: json.get(Hx, "Bob")]
but if this is the way to go for you really depends on what you wanna do with those values and how to operate them. A json object in a property makes it less human-readable and more difficult to edit in the token-properties-window. So you might wanna create your own character sheet and -editor (or provide some Hx-only-editor-macros).

Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Apocalypse World framework question

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Apocalypse world framework usable version.

Credit to the FATE framework on this forum, on which this one is based.
Apocalypse world 10 04 11.cmpgn
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Winter Wolph
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Re: Apocalypse World framework question

Post by wolph42 »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:Apocalypse world framework usable version.

Credit to the FATE framework on this forum, on which this one is based.
If you just created a new framework for a game and like to share it with the community (and your post looks like this) I would suggest to create a new post (in this section) with something like
"[Apocalypse World] framework v.1.0" in the subject
Post at least the compatibility of this version (e.g. compatible with MT 1.3b82+)
Then create 1 or 2 reserved posts beneath that (you never know) one and finally drop a pm to Az asking him to move this to the FW section of user creations. This way others can find this in the future.

Also your original question doesn't belong here but either in 'Maptools' section or in 'Macros', but Im not a moderator.

Cheerz and thnx for the contribution.

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