I admit, I have been out of the loop for some time. How do I get the current setup?
The Readme.md in Github/develop says, you require Oracles JDK10, whereto you have to give Oracle your Grandmother's Maiden Name.
The currently released MapTool runs on AdoptJDK 14, as far as the release notes are concerned.
AdoptJDK (11+) doesn't come with JFX, so you habe to install OpenJFX separately. Those installations don't go along with each other on my Ubuntu Xenial, as it seems. OpenJFX 8 uses /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64, AdoptJDk uses /usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-14-openj9-amd64. I can't have both as JAVA_HOME. Maybe I am missing something.
How to (re)join
Moderators: dorpond, trevor, Azhrei
Re: How to (re)join
If anyone else stumbles across this: The forum is quite dead dev-wise. Please go to github or discord. (Linked elsewhere in the forum.)
Re: How to (re)join
link in my sig
DISCORD (the new MT forum!)
My stuff
Excel Tools: Table and Light editors
MT Tools: Bag of Tricks: Tools for Maptool, Dungeon Builder I, Dungeon Builder II,onMouseOverEvent.
Frameworks: Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War, SET Card Game, RoboRally
Wiki: Debugging Tutorial, Speed Up Your Macros, Working With Two CODE Levels, Shortcut Keys, Avoiding Stack Overflow, READ THIS
DISCORD (the new MT forum!)
My stuff
Excel Tools: Table and Light editors
MT Tools: Bag of Tricks: Tools for Maptool, Dungeon Builder I, Dungeon Builder II,onMouseOverEvent.
Frameworks: Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War, SET Card Game, RoboRally
Wiki: Debugging Tutorial, Speed Up Your Macros, Working With Two CODE Levels, Shortcut Keys, Avoiding Stack Overflow, READ THIS