Display macrolink to GM in If block.

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Shadow Wizard
Posts: 201
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:11 pm

Display macrolink to GM in If block.

Post by Shadow Wizard »

2 issues with this code.
#1. It doesn't display the macrolink in the chat box.
#2, when using just the macrolink code, I get EVERYTHING, "« macroLink("MISSED. Click to make a hit!", "makeahit@lib:wizard", "none", "attackname='Greatsword';attackdamage='3D6+15'") = macroLink("MISSED. Click to make a hit!", "makeahit@lib:wizard", "none", "attackname='Greatsword';attackdamage='3D6+15'") = MISSED. Click to make a hit! »"
No idea what I am doing wrong.

Code: Select all

[r, if(didhit==1), CODE: {
	"nothing| Attack hit: "+attackname+" | |LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| Players AC: "+playerac+" | |LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| Players Con: "+Constitution+" | |LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| AC Hit: "+achit+"||LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| Current player HP: "+HP+"||LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| HP after application: "+hpremain+"||LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"nothing| <html>Result: "+playerresult+"||LABEL|SPAN=TRUE",
	"DamageTaken     | " + damagetotake + "       | Damage rolled (0=miss) | TEXT | WIDTH=5"
	[g:macroLink('MISSED.  Click to make a hit!', 'makeahit@lib:wizard', 'none', 'attackname="Greatsword";attackdamage="3D6+15"')]

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