Collection of New (and Old) Token States.

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Collection of New (and Old) Token States.

Post by Oryan77 »

I have asked and received help from users here many times in regards to creating things like macros. I am terrible at coding that stuff. What I am good at though is creating graphics for use within MT. So I am glad to provide something useful here (hopefully) in appreciation for all the help I get on a regular basis from this community.

I have created approximately 100 new token states. I tried to cover every spell from the 3.5 PHB that could be useful and would not already be covered by an existing conditional state (dazed, fatigued, Frightened, etc, etc). I also created a few states specifically for spells/abilities that my player's use. My group plays 3.5e and so unfortunately these are mostly specific for that edition. There are so many though that I'm sure you could find something to use for your own edition.

Within this collection is also a bunch of states that other users have created that I use in my game. I'm sorry, but I cannot give credit to anyone other than AidyBaby because I don't remember where else I got a lot of these images from. If you see something here that you created, by all means post in this thread and give yourself credit for it if you want.

Here is a screenshot of the states that I have available:
StateExamples.jpg (2.62 MiB) Viewed 443 times
Many of these images are meant to be displayed a certain way on the token. The zip file also contains an export of the MT state properties if you want to import it into your campaign just to check out how I set each state to appear on a token. Here is an example of how some states are to be displayed on a token in order to get the most out of the graphic I created:
State_Examples.jpg (1.61 MiB) Viewed 443 times
Finally, here is the zip file containing the images:
Token State Collection
Last edited by Oryan77 on Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Collection of New (and Old) Token States.

Post by Oryan77 »

I added a screenshot of the states rather than a list. These are all in the zip file.

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Re: Collection of New (and Old) Token States.

Post by JamzTheMan »

Awesome! I'm always looking for more icons :)

I'll see if I have anything different to add.

Suggestion, for Mirror image, (at least in pathfinder) there is a max #, 8 IIRC, so I used the same image you did but created 8 copies and added a # 2-8 (what ever the min/max was). So clicking the Mirror Image macro first prompts for # of images and sets the state. If you hit the macro again and the state exists, it subtracts one and updates the state until no images exist. One button/macro to do all the work. :)
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Re: Collection of New (and Old) Token States.

Post by Ryezen »

Dude, these are legit! Thanks so much. Used the prop file and it worked perfectly... Thanks so much!

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