I like to have multiple images for my character tokens. That way they can have the appropriate weapon when moving and/or the appropriate posture when they are prone, unconscious, etc. Likewise, shapeshifters mimics, and other creatures might benefit from changing their token appearance on the fly.
I know there are instructions in the wiki for how to add additional images but A) they don't work (you can't use a GUID / UUID, you have to use the MD5 checksum for the file name), and B) they are tedious to follow.
So, I created a tool that will not only rename the files, but also create the appropriate macros on the token to do the switching between images. It's written in Perl so it should be portable to any platform that RPTools runs on (windows, linux, mac).
You basically save a token out of MapTool, extract the assets and content.xml, copy in your additional images, run the perl script, and then copy the updated assets and content.xml file back into the token. That's it. Takes less than a minute to create a multi-image token.
You can find the tool and instructions here as a github gist: https://gist.github.com/jbrown123/052c6 ... 124c841f41
Let me know if you have issues or if you find it useful.
Tool to add multiple images to a token
Moderators: dorpond, trevor, Azhrei
Tool to add multiple images to a token
- James
- James
Re: Tool to add multiple images to a token
Yeah, I discovered you can do this, but I find it a pain extracting the image and id to paste in to the context.xml of token. Switching is then another pain, but this looks like it's only 1/2 as painful. Can't really say this will always be supported, though it would be nice/better if MT supported multiple images in the UI or though functions. (outside of the portrait and handout images) Well, it sort of does using a table for multiple facing but that's not well documented and I don't imagine used very much.
edit: I do have a lib token that relies on cached images to save multiple images to a token called Disguise. You can guarentee the image is cached if you put it in a table or on map just for images.
edit: I do have a lib token that relies on cached images to save multiple images to a token called Disguise. You can guarentee the image is cached if you put it in a table or on map just for images.
- Notepad++ MapTool addon
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- Videos: Macro Writing Tools
Re: Tool to add multiple images to a token
That's why I created this. It's much easier. You can reliably add as many images as you want in literally less than a minute.
Granted, this functionality might go away at some future point. But until it does, or until it's replaced with a supported process by MT itself, this is far and away the easiest way to accomplish this. And, it's self-contained within the .rptok file. It doesn't require any additional libraries, tokens, etc.
Granted, this functionality might go away at some future point. But until it does, or until it's replaced with a supported process by MT itself, this is far and away the easiest way to accomplish this. And, it's self-contained within the .rptok file. It doesn't require any additional libraries, tokens, etc.
- James
- James