Want to see through walls?
No problem, we have you covered.
It slices. It dices. It makes french fries in thirty seconds.
It is the latest and greatest thing.
It is..
Motion Tracker
With more settings than you can poke a stick at**.
You can customise;
- The detection range,
- The display range,
- The colours .. of everything,
- Distance from the edge of the map view,
- The size of the scanner graphic,
- The aspect ratio; from displaying the forward half to a full 360°
- The shapes of the blips,
- Different shapes for PCs, NPCs, Hidden Tokens, and Tokens off the screen.
- If something is hidden behind a wall, display it on the wall or where it is actually located.
- Which details are available for tooltips.
- Should hidden tokens be blurred, how much blur to apply.
- Which states are invisible to the scanner,
- Which token property you use for elevation,
- The units to display for range, and
- much, much, more.
Im sorry, did I forget to mention you can click on the markers and get the gory details?
Do you hate hovering?
Tired of waiting around for text to show up only to find out you weren't hovering in the right spot?
Not with Motion Tracker®.
Just click on the mark and whatever details are available come up right there on the screen.
Soon to be released in β, you can pick up our one-time special pre-release version here.
v4.5 Brought to you by the legendary Wolph42, Reverend, and Melek, with plenty of assists from the MT community.
Known to be incompatible with Token Manager 2.0
**Only GMs can play with the fun settings